The Priory Press
- All Current Texts Catechetically updated
- A Dominican Series of Theology Texts for Young People
- A Traditonal Thomistic Study in Content and Style Adapted for Advanced Young Students
- Now used in many preparatory hight schools, junior colleges, diaconate, CCD programs and home Schools.
- Hardback with sewn binding.
PRICE STRUCTURE QUANTITY PRICES (5 or more) Love's Revelation $12.95 Intro Vol. $10.50 Vol. I - God Calls You $10.95 Vol. I $8.75 Vol. II - Responding to God $12.95 Vol. II $10.50 (Sixth Printing) Vol. III - Jesus is the Way $12.95 Vol. III $10.50 Teacher's Manuals -- Hard cover, Loose Leaf Form -- $10.00 each. Address inquiries to: The Priory Press The Priory Press 7200 W. Division Street Orders and Shipping River Forest, IL 60305-1294 (773) 478-3033 (708) 771-3030 FAX (312) 478-2303 FAX (708) 771-4510
Our Dominican Series could be the new religion curriculum at your school. You probably, on a regular basis, review the math, science, English and social studies textbooks used by your students. But have you given thought recently to your students' religious education? Please take this opportunity to review this series of theological textbooks for today's youth.
The intent in writing these books is to give students a grasp of our fundamental religious beliefs. This series offers sound Catholic Theology coupled with current examples so that today's teens can adapt theology to their everyday lives.
A teacher's manual, keyed to the bold faced enumeration of paragraphs in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, is offered in conjunction with each of these texts. The comprehensive manuals detail, chapter by chapter, thought provoking discussion topics, practice test questions with answers, ideas for further study, and referenced selected readings for enhancing both teacher and student ennchment in each area of concentration.
Not only are the texts and manuals informative, but they embrace the traditional teachings of the Church. The positive response of a great number of teachers and administrators throughout our nation and abroad gave us encouragement that spurred us on to accomplish this important work for the education of young Catholic men and women.
Our books are used also in parts of Africa, Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, Malta, the Philippines, Puerto Rico. We are proud and thankful that so many schools are using our series in whole or in part. May God continue to bless you in the vital task of bringing Jesus Christ to our young people.
Love's Revelation One-fourth each: Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, Catechetics.An overview of each area, not intended to be comprehensive, but rather, a spiritual stimulant. Volume One God Calls You Introduction The sense of vocation
Chapters 1. The Question of God; Whether He is or is Not; 2. Approaches to God;3. God Speaks to Us; 4. What is God? 5. The Mystery of God: Three in One; 6.Creation and Evolution; 7. The Elevation and Fall of Man; 8. God's Governance andProvidence; 9. The Goal of Life; Our Happiness.Volume Two Responding to God Introduction The Situation of Morality Today Unit One The Christian Ideal
Chapters 1. Divine Grace; 2. Faith, Hope and Charity; 3. The Practice of Love; 4.Listening to Christ's Word.Unit Two How to Respond to God
Chapters 1. Prudence and Conscience; 2. Morality and Action; 3. Human Activities;4. The Emotions; 5. Habits and Virtues; 6. Sin; 7. Examining YourUnit Three Your Power to Respond to God
Chapters 1. Justice; 2. Virtues of Social conduct (Prudence); 3. Fortitude andTemperance.Unit Four Special Moral Problems
Chapters 1. Christian Responsibility for the World; 2. Special Problems in SexualMorality; 3. Diminishing of Human Dignity Through Alcohol and Drugs; 4.Medical Moral Problems; 5. Other Moral Issues for Discussion.Volume Three Jesus is the Way Prologue The Nature and Division of Theology Part One The Mystery of Christ
Chapters 1. The Person of Jesus Christ; 2. The Personality of Jesus; 3. ThePreaching of the Kingdom; 4. The Paschal Mystery; 5. The Role of Mary in ourRedemption.Part Two The Mystery of the Church
Chapters l. Its Nature; 2. Its Images; 3. Its Redemptive MissionPart Three The Mystery of Supernatural Life
Chapters 1. Two Levels of Life; 2, 3, & 4. The Sacraments of Supernatural Life; 5.Holy Orders and Marriage: Social Sacramental Life For the Society ofEpilogue The Four Last Things
Chapters 1. Death; 2. Judgment; 3. Heaven; 4. Hell.All of these volumes are in sturdy hard back editions.
"THINK WlTH THE CHURCH", clearly stated by Pope Pius XII, epitomizes the goal of the Priory Press. We list below examples of consistency between our Responding to God and Pope John Paul II's encyclical The Splendor of Truth. (Veritatis Splendor, 1993)CONSCIENCE
"Conscience a judgment that something is to be done, something else is to be avoided, here and now, in view of specific circumstances." (Responding to God, p. 116, para. 2)"Conscience thus formulates...the obligation to do what the individual, through the workings of his conscience, knows to be a good he is called to do here and now." (Veritatis Splendor, sec. 59, para. 2)
"Conscience, of course, is not infallible. Everyone can make an honest mistake in his practical judgments. If my conscience is in error, if it makes a false judgment, have I committed a sin in following my conscience? The answer is a resounding,'No.' But everyone has the duty of striving hard to form a true conscience." (R.T.G., p. 123, para. 1)"Conscience, as the judgment of an act, is not exempt from the possibility of error. As the Council puts it,'not infrequently conscience can be mistaken as a result of invincible ignorance, although it does not on that account forfeit its dignity; but this cannot be said when a man shows little concern for seeking what is true and good, and conscience gradually becomes almost blind from being accustomed to sin."' (V.S., sec. 62, para.1)
"The morality of an action is first determined by its object." (R.T.G., p.131, #3)"The morality of the human act depends primarily and fundamentally on the 'object...'" (V.S., sec.78, para. 1)
"An action that is bad by reason of its moral object can be made better or worse by the motive but never completely good...The end never justifies the means. A good intention can never turn an act with a bad moral object into a good action." (R.T.G., p. 131, #3)"If acts are intrinsically evil, a good intention or particular circumstances can diminish their evil, but they cannot remove it...Consequently, circumstances or intentions can never transform an act intrinsically evil by virtue of its object into an act 'subjectively' good or defensible as a choice." (V.S., sec.81, para. 2 & 3)
- " Any young man or woman who studies basic Catholic theology from this three-volume series can stand strong and firm in the faith. Not only are the texts in the best tradition of Dominican teaching; they are also cross-referenced with the Catechism of the Catholic Church."
- Rev. Jordan Aumann, OP
- Professor emeritus, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas Rome, Italy
- "--I would like to express my appreciation for an excellent series. Finally there is a serious reference and text for students to replace the vacuous picture books that presently exist. I am placing the following order--"
- Rev. Edward Quinlan, Principal
- Bishop McDevitt High School, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
- "Your three volume series for youth is an asset to the world. May the demand exceed your supply.--"
- Sally Ward and Alice O'Donnell
- Youth Mission for the Immaculata, West Corvina, California
- On Volume One:
- "The book is orthodox, based on Scripture, on the Doctors of the Church, especially St. Thomas,and on the teachings of the Magistenum; it is adapted to the capacity of high school students...does not dodge the most important--and most interesting--theological and philosophical questions." Dr. Patrick Lee,
- Professor of Philosophy in the Center for Thomistic Studies at the University of St. Thomas,Houston
- On Volume Two:
- "... this book provides a simple, reliable, thorough, and up-to-date summary of authentic Catholic moral teaching. As such it is a useful tool not only for high school teachers and their students, but for the entire Catholic community."
- Dr. Joseph M. Boyle
- Fellowship of Catholic Scholars
- On Volume Three:
- "...examines our return to God through Christ, the Church and the sacramental life. --In the years I taught at the high school level, I longed for a series which was faithful to authentic Catholic teaching, yet up-to-date in its presentation of the faith. High school religion teachers should latch onto these texts, which offer students exactly what John Paul II called for the Catechesis Tradendae." National Catholic Register.
- Rev. Peter Stravinskas
- Teacher at St. John's University, New York City
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