Love's Revelation



The Bible and the Truth It Conveys --- 3; True Wisdom --- 3; Divine Revelation --- 3; Scripture and Tradition --- 3; Dei Verbum ("The Word of God") --- 4; Bible is with-out error --- 5; Senses of Scripture --- 6; Christians need the guidance of the Church --- 8; Canon of the Bible? --- 8; Books of the Canon --- 10; Scripture and The Word of God --- 11; Thinking it over --- 12

Chapter 1. CREATION THROUGH NOAH (GENESIS 1-11) --- 13
Creation --- 13; Religious message of Genesis --- 13; Adam and Eve (Genesis 2-3) --- 14; Cain and Abel (Genesis 4) --- 15; Evil ways of life grew --- 16; Noah (Genesis 5-10) --- 16; Thinking it over --- 18

Chapter 2. ABRAHAM AND SARAH THROUGH JOSEPH (Genesis 12-50) --- 19
Abraham and Sarah --- 19; The mysterious priest-king Melchizedek --- 19; Sarai persuaded Abram to have a son by Hagar --- 20; God renewed his Covenant with Abram --- 20; Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah --- 21; Sarah bore a son to Abraham, Isaac (the Laugher) --- 21; Abraham's sacrifice --- 22; Abraham father of Jews, Christians and Muslims --- 22; Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 24-25:19) --- 22; Isaac and Rebekah --- 23; Rebekah's scheme --- 23; Jacob and Rachel --- 23; Joseph eleventh son of Jacob --- 25; His brothers plot against Joseph --- 25; Joseph in Egypt --- 26; Silver cup in Benjamin's luggage --- 27; Joseph, a truly man --- 27; Thinking it over --- 28

Moses in book of Exodus --- 29; Moses raised in Pharaoh's court --- 29; God speaks to Moses from a burning bush --- 30; "1 AM" sent him --- 30; Moses and Aaron lead Israelites to the Red Sea --- 30; Pharoah army drowned --- 31; Water and food in the desert --- 31; Moses receives commandments --- 32; Third book Leviticus liturgy of the sacrifices --- 33; Fourth book Numbers members of the twelve tribes descended from Jacob counted in a census --- 33; Israelites rebelled against Moses --- 34; Fifth book Deuteronomy (the Second Law) --- 34; Moses entrusted Jewish people to Joshua --- 35; Moses buried --- 35; Book of Joshua --- 35; Chosen people occupied Promised Land under Joshua --- 35; Joshua's men were victorious everywhere --- 36; Chapter summary --- 36; Thinking it over --- 37

Book of Judges --- 38; Samson and Delilah --- 38; Book of Ruth --- 39; 1 and 2 Samuel (sometimes entitled 1 and 2 Kings) --- 40, Samuel and Eli --- 40; Saul, first king of all Twelve Tribes --- 41; Jesse's youngest son David --- 41; David and Goliath --- 42; David marries Michel, Saul's daughter --- 42; 2 Samuel David becomes king over south --- 43; David became king over all of Israel --- 43; David and Bathsheba --- 44; Absalom plots against David his father --- 44; David succeeded by Solomon --- 45; Solomon to build a temple in Jerusalem --- 45; Solomon's wisdom --- 45; Thinking it over --- 46

Solomon succeeded by his son Rehoboam --- 47; 1 and 2 Kings is history of two kingdoms --- 47; The Northern Kingdom, called Israel --- 47; The Southern Kingdom, called Judah --- 47; Elijah angers King Ahab of Israel --- 48; Naaman, the pagan general in Aramaen army --- 49; Elisha also powerful prophet --- 49; Amos and Hosea followed Elijah and Elisha, Prophets --- 50: The Southern Kingdom a single dynasty --- 51; Isaiah writes with power and beauty --- 53: The prophet Micah denounces social injustice --- 54; The prophet Habbakuk complains that God seems to overlook evil --- 55; Jeremiah warns of disasters to come --- 56; Thinking it over --- 57

Chapter 6. THE EXILE AND RETURN --- 58
Prophet Ezekiel keeps the hope of the Jews alive --- 58; Second Isaiah wrote of the suffering servant --- 59; Problem of suffering, theme of Job --- 59; Hope strengthened when Persians under Cyrus conquered Babylon --- 59: Prophet Nehemiah a great administrator --- 60; Zechariah saw eight visions --- 61; The Books of Proverbs and Quheleth --- 61; Psalms, most of which are attributed to David --- 61; Thinking it over --- 62

Holy Land information is very vague from 400 B.C. to its conquest by Alexander the Great --- 63; II Maccabees briefly notes the revolt against Antiochus, I Maccabees recounts it in detail --- 65; II Maccabees describes the purification of the Temple and its celebration --- 65; 1 Maccabees continues with the history after the rededication of the Temple --- 65; Romans would subjugate the Jewish nation --- 66; Speculative dates of other books --- 66; Daniel, the most explicitly apocalyptic book of the Old Testament --- 67; Sirach's purpose is to demonstrate the superiority of Jewish morals --- 68; Wisdom themes of the great wisdom literature --- 68; Four great messages emerge --- 69; Thinking it over --- 70


Four Gospels, same story, different viewpoints --- 77; Here, modern harmony --- 77; Gospel of John written end of the first century (synoptics earlier) --- 77; Mark co-worker Peter --- 78; Synoptics before 70 A.D. --- 78; Gospels written within the life-times of those who knew Jesus --- 78; Our calendar, mistake by 6th century author --- 78; Annunciation --- 79; Second person of Blessed Trinity --- 79; God's preparation fulfilled in Mary --- 79; Mary believes and accepted her vocation to be Mother of God --- 79; Matthew tells us Joseph deeply troubled --- 80; In poverty Jesus was born --- 80; Presentation --- 80; Matthew wrote for audience of Jews --- 81; Jesus lost in temple? --- 82; Obedient to Mary and Joseph --- 83; Little information before thirty years of age --- 83; Jesus in biblical discussions with Joseph --- 83; Numerous relatives in Nazareth --- 83; Thinking it over --- 84

John the Baptist preaching repentance and baptizing with water --- 85; Jesus insisted on being baptized --- 85; Father declared, "This is my Beloved Son" --- 85; Jesus began to call his disciples --- 85; Jesus to Cana in Galilee --- 85; Mary present, wine ran out --- 85; Fulfilled her request later --- 85; Drove money changers from the temple --- 85, Nicodemus --- 86; Thinking it over --- 86

Woman at well of Jacob --- 87; Capernaum, on Sea of Galilee --- 87; Peter and Andrew called --- 87; Jesus heals a man possessed by demons --- 88; Jesus shows his power to forgive sins -- heals a paralytic --- 88; Twelve apostles chosen by Jesus --- 90; Penitent woman --- 92; Jesus began to preach in parables --- 93; Parable sermon (Mt 13:1-52) --- 94; Apostles sent to preach --- 95; Herod searches for Jesus --- 95; Peter walks on water --- 96; Jesus himself is the Bread of Eternal Life --- 96; Crippled man cured at Bethsaida pool --- 96; Increasing opposition from Pharisees --- 97; Deaf mute cured --- 98; Leaven of the Pharisees --- 99; Jesus promises to build Church on Peter --- 99; Jesus transfigured/tells of upcoming passion, death and resurrection --- 100; Greatest in God's kingdom --- 101; Sin separates us from God --- 101; September, Feast of Tents (the Jewish harvest feast) --- 192; Thinking it over --- 103

Jesus to Jerusalem for the final period of his life --- 104; Seventy-two disciples sent to preach --- 104; Love of neighbor/good Samaritan --- 105; Mary and Martha --- 105; Jesus directly confronts leaders for failure to observe law of Moses --- 105; Jesus identifies himself with God the Father --- 106; Jesus instructs the people on the new law of love --- 107; Jesus raises Lazarus from dead --- 107; Thinking it over --- 108

Chapter 5. HOLY WEEK --- 109
Palm Sunday --- 109; Chief priest orders Jesus to disclose his authority --- 109; Elders kept trying to trap Jesus --- 109; Sadducees non-belief in resurrection --- 110; Destruction of Jerusalem to take place in their lifetimes --- 111; Final plot to kill Jesus --- 111; Thursday Passover seder meal, Jesus washed apostles feet --- 112; Judas leaves to betray Jesus --- 112; Jesus changes bread and wine into his body and blood --- 113; After the meal they went out to Mount of Olives --- 113; Jesus in agony --- 114; Betrayal with a kiss --- 114; Jesus taken to Annas --- 114; Peter denied Jesus the third time --- 115; On Friday Sanhedrin met and heard witnesses --- 115; Jesus struck by an officer --- 115; Jesus before Pilate --- 116; "My kingdom is not of this world" --- 116; Pilate sent Jesus to Herod Antipas --- 116; Barabbas released/Jesus sentenced to death-117; Jesus weak/Simon forced to help him --- 117; Jesus warns women of Jerusalem --- 117; Jesus stripped and then soldiers roll dice for his clothing --- 118; "Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing" --- 118; "This day you will be with me in paradise" --- 118; "Woman, there is your son" --- 118; "There is your mother" --- 118; The crucifixion went on for three hours --- 119; "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit" and died --- 119; Water and blood flow out/Church recognizes these as types of Baptism and the Eucharist --- 119; Joseph of Arimathea obtained permission to bury Jesus --- 119; Resurrection --- 120; Mary Magdalen, Peter, others at tomb --- 120; Village of Emmaus, divine stranger --- 120; Resurrection night --- 121; "Peace be with you" as apostles given power to forgive sins--121; At later appearance, divine cookout --- 121; Jesus confers his power on Peter --- 122; Make disciples of all nations --- 122; Thinking it over --- 123

Chapter 6. FOUNDING OF THE CHURCH --- 124
Acts of the Apostles mainly of St. Peter and St. Paul --- 124; Jesus' ascension --- 124; Matthias replaces Judas --- 124; Prayer and the Eucharist --- 124; Pentecost --- 125; Peter addressed Sanhedrin --- 125; Practice of community life --- 125; Apostles boldly proclaim the Resurrection --- 125; Apostles continue to preach in temple and in private homes --- 126; Early deacons --- 126; Stoning of Stephen --- 127; Thinking it over --- 128

Conversion of Saul/St. Paul --- 129; St. Paul's problems --- 129; Persecution of the Christians by Sanhedrin lessened --- 129; Peter raised Tabitha from dead --- 130; Peter's unique vision --- 130; By Peter's action the Church officially opened to Gentiles --- 130; Believers in Jesus known as "Christians" --- 131; Herod imprisoned Peter, but Peter was freed by an angel --- 131; Paul's first missionary journey --- 131; Epistle to the Galatians --- 131; Jewish Christians want Gentiles to be circumcised --- 132; First Ecumenical Council of the Church 49 A.D. --- 133; Second missionary journey of St. Paul probably 50-52 A.D. --- 133; Paul, Silas and Timothy to new territory in Phrygia and Galatia, then northwest Turkey (Asia Minor) --- 134; Luke joins Paul --- 134; Paul and Silas imprisoned/earthquake released them --- 134; Athens --- 135; "The unknown God" --- 135; At Corinth Paul meets Aquila and Prisca --- 136; A "house-church" for Christians --- 136; First Epistle to the Thessalonians (c. 50-51 A.D.) --- 136; Nazirite vow --- 137; Third missionary journey 54-58 A.D. --- 137; Epistle to the Philippians at Ephesus about 56 A.D. --- 138; Paul writes from prison --- 138; Epistle to the Philemon 55 A.D. --- 139; First Epistle to the Corinthians --- 139; Epistle to the Romans makes clear sex out-side marriage, homosexual actions cannot be reconciled with the Christian under-standing of why God created us male and female --- 139/140; Exhorts the Corinthians to be sober for the Eucharist --- 140; At Corinth Epistle to the Romans 57-58 A.D. --- 140; Pagans should conclude that God exists from the world around them --- 141; Paul travels to Jerusalem --- 141; Imprisoned again, Paul demands his rights as a Roman citizen --- 142; Kept in custody almost two years --- 142; 1n Rome under arrest two years --- 143; Paul was martyred in Rome in 67 A.D. during Nero's persecution --- 143; Again, these dates are speculative --- 144; 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus --- 145; Cautionary note --- 145; Epistle to the Hebrews --- 145; Thinking it over --- 146

Chapter 8. THE OTHER LETTERS --- 147
First Epistle of St. Peter --- 147; Epistle of James --- 147; Epistle of Jude --- 147; Second Epistle of St. Peter --- 147; First, second and third Epistles of St. John --- 147; Book of Revelation or Apocalypse --- 148; Revelation is divided into four parts --- 148; The other letters --- 149


God exists --- 153; God creates all things in making them --- 153; God is a Trinity of persons --- 154; God is Father in an unheard of sense --- 154; Jesus completed his work by sending the Holy Spirit --- 154; The Trinity is One --- 155; Man was created good and holy --- 156; At the instigation of the devil Adam and Eve disobeyed God and lost their own personal harmony --- 156; God tolerated the com-mission of Original Sin --- 157; The nature of sin --- 157; Sin is basically a free choice contrary to the law of God --- 157; Mortal and Venial Sins --- 158; Thinking it over --- 158

Chapter 2. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS --- 159
Promise to send a redeemer --- 159; God set aside the Jewish people --- 159; Commandments to human race in the person of Moses --- 159; Commandments enumerated --- 159; 1. I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me --- 160; 2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain --- 161; 3. Keep holy the Sabbath (Lord's Day) --- 161; 4. Honor your father and your mother --- 162; 5. You shall not kill --- 162; 6. You shall not commit adultery --- 163; 7. You shall not steal --- 163; 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor --- 163; 9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife --- 164; 10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods --- 164; Thinking it over --- 165

Grace --- 166; Sanctifying grace --- 166; Actual grace --- 166; The Incarnation --- 166; Mary free from Original Sin at the moment of her conception --- 167; Mary countered the sin of the disobedient Eve with her own obedience --- 167; Second person of the Blessed Trinity took upon himself a human nature --- 167; Person and nature --- 168; Jesus has no earthly father/Joseph is only his foster father --- 168; Jesus performed miracles to prove that he was God --- 168; The atonement for our sins demanded that Christ suffer punishment for sin --- 168/169; After Jesus died on the cross "he descended into hell" --- 169; Appreciation of the Resurrection --- 170; Jesus prepared his disciples to be the foundation of the Church --- 170; Christ ascended body and soul into heaven --- 171; This is seen in a special way in every Mass --- 171; Came to earth to save not to condemn us --- 171; Thinking it over --- 172

Chapter 4. VIRTUES AND GIFTS --- 173
The Holy Spirit --- 173; On Pentecost Sunday Jesus completed his work on earth by sending the Holy Spirit to dwell in us --- 173; Pentecost is the reversal of the Tower of Babel --- 173; Holy Spirit proclaims the foundation of the Church to the world --- 174; The virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit --- 175; Three theological virtues faith, hope and charity --- 175; Infused prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude --- 175; Powers given by Holy Spirit are like our spiritual muscles --- 175; Faith --- 175; Hope --- 176; With charity --- 176; Infused prudence --- 176; Infused justice --- 176; Infused fortitude --- 177; Infused temperance --- 177; Gifts of the Holy Spirit directly move us to certain important actions --- 177; Wisdom --- 177; Science or knowledge --- 177; Understanding --- 178; Counsel --- 178; Piety --- 178; Fortitude --- 178; Fear of the Lord --- 178; Thinking it over --- 179

Christ prepared apostles for fullness of revelation of God and what he has done for us --- 180; Christ associated apostles directly with the work which he is doing in the Church --- 180; The Pope --- 180; Peter was the first pope and Vicar of Christ --- 181; Church is the congregation of all the baptized --- 181; Pope has the special aid of the Holy Spirit --- 181; Laity also called to participate in the mission of Christ --- 182; The Church is one --- 182; The Church is holy --- 183; The Church is catholic or universal --- 183; The Church is apostolic --- 184; The communion of saints and the forgiveness of sins --- 185; Church is a society based in the life of Christ --- 185; Three states of the Church --- 186; Corporal works of mercy --- 186; Spiritual works of mercy --- 186; Thinking it over --- 187

The model of all communion --- 188; Mary conceives Christ and goes to visit and help her cousin Elizabeth --- 188; Jesus entrusts the Church to her --- 188; Several extraordinary privileges in her life --- 188; God gives power to created things to participate in his governing of the world --- 188; Different roles to various members --- 189; The forgiveness of sins -- Baptism/Penance --- 189; Everyone still needs to struggle with moral weakness --- 189; The Resurrection and Life Ever-lasting --- 190; Our bodies will be gloriously reconstituted in heaven --- 190; Death completes our pilgrimage of grace and mercy --- 190; Two judgements pronounced by Christ, first hour of our death --- 191; Purgatory --- 191; A temporary purification of all the inclinations and evils --- 191; General judgement occurs in the presence of the assembled creation --- 192; Sincere search for truth and goodness here on earth --- 193; The two great commandments --- 193; The precepts of the Church --- 194; Mass obligation -- why? --- 194; Confess sins once a year --- 194; Receive the Eucharist during the Easter season --- 195; Days of fasting and abstinence --- 195; Provide for the needs of the Church --- 195; Thinking it over --- 196

Chapter 7. THE SACRAMENTS --- 197
Our life of grace with Christ reflects our natural life --- 197; Outward sign instituted by Christ gives divine grace --- 197; Sacraments of initiation, reconciliation, service of communion --- 198; Baptism --- 198; Source of our new life in grace and spiritual rebirth --- 198; Members of the Mystical Body of Christ --- 199; Priest is ordinary minister but anyone in danger of death --- 199; Every person not yet baptized is able to be baptized --- 199; Confirmation --- 200; Confirmation strengthens the life of Christ in us --- 200; Laying on of hands sign of passing on spiritual power --- 200; Anointing and bishop extending his hands --- 200; Like Baptism, cannot be repeated --- 201; Appropriate for teenagers prior to adolescence --- 201; The sacrament of the Holy Eucharist --- 202; The source and summit of the Christian life --- 202; At the last supper Christ left his great gift of the Eucharist to the Church --- 202; Christ is really present with us on earth through Eucharist --- 202; Bread and wine are necessary --- 202; Christ changed these into himself at the last supper --- 202; "This is my body" --- 202; "This is my blood" --- 202; Holy Communion is spiritual nourishment --- 203; In Eucharist we relate directly to Christ --- 203; Makes present the sacrifice of the cross --- 204; New and eternal covenant --- 204; In the Mass priest is the same Christ who offers --- 204; Does not detract from the sacrifice on the cross --- 204; We must be prepared spiritually --- 205; A fitting preparation --- 205; Thinking it over --- 205

Christ rescues the lost sheep through the sacrament of Penance --- 207; Essentials of Penance --- 207; Truly sorry for his sins --- 208; Perfect and imperfect contrition --- 208; Christ gave priests a share in his power to forgive sins --- 208; Which sins must be confessed? --- 209; We should prepare ourselves to make a good confession --- 209; How to confess sins --- 209; Misery caused to others demands punishment --- 210; Why indulgences? --- 211; Anointing of the sick --- 211; Sacrament of healing --- 211; Given to those who are seriously ill --- 211; In danger of death, illness or old age --- 212; Strengthening of the Holy Spirit/live with interior sadness --- 212; Holy Orders --- 212; A sacrament to serve others --- 212; Three degrees of Holy Orders: bishops, priests, deacons --- 212; Sacred power can come only from Christ himself through his Church --- 212; Only Christ is the true priest, others only his ministers --- 212; Only ministerial priests power to consecrate and forgive sins --- 213; Bishops teach true doctrine and have jurisdiction over the Church --- 213; Matrimony or marriage --- 213; God himself is the author of marriage --- 213; Marriage now flows from baptismal grace and service --- 213; Spouses mutually confer upon each other the sacrament of Matrimony --- 213; Baptized man and baptized woman --- 214; Foundation of the family --- 214; Thinking it over --- 214

Certain practices which aid the believer to express his faith and grow in grace are called sacramentals --- 215; Not magical things/increased devotion and faith --- 215; Prayer -- raising of one's mind and heart to God --- 215; Christ prayed before every major event --- 215; Our heart and mind raised to God in different ways --- 215; Four basic kinds of prayer --- 215; Pray always if possible --- 216; Are our prayers always answered? --- 216; Set prayers are very good but we should often use our own words as we address God --- 216; Lord's Prayer greatest of all prayers --- 216; The Sign of the Cross --- 216; A treasury of prayers --- 216; The Lord's Prayer --- 216; The Hail Mary --- 217; Glory be to the Father --- 217; The Apostles' Creed --- 217; The Confiteor --- 217; An Act of Faith --- 218; An Act of Hope --- 218; An Act of Love --- 218; Various Acts of Contrition --- 218; Morning Offering --- 219; The Angelus --- 219; Regina Coeli --- 219; Hail Holy Queen --- 220; Grace Before and After Meals --- 220; Thinking it over --- 220


Chapter 1. APOSTOLIC CHURCH --- 225
Learning objectives --- 225; In lists of Apostles St. Peter's name is first --- 226; The life and growth of the Apostolic Church --- 226; An entirely new spirit --- 226; Pagan religions lost their influence --- 226; Apostolic activity --- 226; Years 35 and 40 A.D. Christians put in writing --- 227; St. Peter and the College of Apostles --- 227; Monarchical bishops --- 227; St. Paul --- 228; Saul knocked to the ground, blinded, converted --- 228; The life of the Apostolic Church --- 228; Early Christians experienced great difficulties --- 228; Extraordinary charity --- 229; Moral beliefs of the Apostolic Church --- 229; Christians showed a genuine sexual discipline --- 230; Practiced gospel values --- 230; The growth of the Apostolic Church --- 230; The Church of the catacombs --- 231; Nero persecuted the Christians --- 231; The Apostolic Fathers --- 231; St. Ignatius died in 117 A.D. --- 231; The writing of the gospels --- 232; St. Mark around 50 A.D. --- 232; Matthew may have been earlier --- 232; St. Luke after fall of Jerusalem? --- 232; St. John's gospel 90 and 100 A.D. in Ephesus --- 233; Heart of the Christian community was the Eucharist --- 233; Summary --- 233; Thinking it over --- 234

Chapter 2. EARLY CHURCH --- 235
Learning objectives --- 235; Hostility from Gentiles, pagans, and Jewish community --- 235; Emperors' persecutions --- 235; Jews revolted against Roman rule in 70 A.D. --- 236; First theologians appear --- 236; Christians: east and west --- 237; Heterodox movements --- 237; Ebionites --- 237; Followers of Montanus --- 237; Marcionites --- 238; Authority of the Church developed --- 238; Gnosticism --- 239; Donatists --- 239; Decian persecution --- 239; The Christological debates --- 240; The Arians --- 240; Apollonarius and Nestorius --- 241; Sabellianism, Docetism and Monothelitism --- 242; The Orthodox response --- 242; St. Athanasius of Alexandria (296-373 A.D.) --- 242; Greatest response to wayward teachings by Pope Leo I (d. 461 A.D.) --- 243; Sacramental development --- 243; The development of the hierarchy --- 244; By end apostolic era (c. 100 A.D.) regular and commonly established communities --- 244; Penance and Eucharist --- 244; The life of the early Church --- 245; Tertullian (d. 225 A.D.) --- 245; For almost 1,900 years Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants all agreed that artificial contraception was immoral --- 246; The beginnings of monastic life --- 246; The decline of the Roman empire --- 246; Summary --- 247; Thinking it over --- 248

Chapter 3. EARLY MIDDLE AGES --- 249
Learning objectives --- 249; The fall of the empire --- 249; By 250 A.D. one of every five persons Christian --- 249; Centuries of chaos and the restoration of the social order --- 250; 500 to 900 A.D. terrible civil and political strife --- 250; Tribes and peoples plunder and pillage --- 250; Churches and monasteries as centers of social and political authority --- 250; Celtic Christianity --- 250; Irish developed their own Christian rituals --- 251; The canon of scripture --- 251; St. Augustine witnessed the fall of the city of Rome in 405 A.D. --- 251; The City of God --- 252; De Trinitate --- 252; Irish monk Pelagius --- 252; Celibacy --- 253; Celibacy, extraordinary sign of devotion --- 253; The rise of Islam --- 254; Divisions between Islam, Christianity were sharp --- 254; Iconoclasm --- 254; Western missionaries and monks --- 255; St. Patrick --- 255; St. Martin of Tours --- 255; St. Boniface --- 255; St. Augustine of Canterbury --- 255; Charlemagne --- 256; The Holy Roman Empire --- 256; Summary --- 256; Thinking it over --- 256

Chapter 4. MEDIEVAL CHURCH --- 257
Learning objectives --- 257; Medieval monasticism and reform movements --- 257; The mendicant orders --- 257; Albigensians --- 258; The Dominicans and Franciscans to deal with all dimensions of the Albigensian heresy --- 258; The investiture controversy --- 258; Right to invest and select bishops --- 258; The rise of scholasticism --- 259; Deepen understanding of the mysteries of Christianity --- 259; St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Bonaventure --- 259; St. Thomas -- moral teachings based on what is truly and genuinely good --- 260; Nature of God existence itself --- 260; St. Bonaventure -- "God is love" --- 260; William of Occam and nominalism --- 261; The medieval papacy more involved in the politics --- 262; Assuming control of social, economic, political power --- 263; High watermark/the crusades --- 263; Middle Ages Church tried to create just and fair social order --- 263; The Church and spirituality in the late Middle Ages --- 264; Spiritual life of Catholics deteriorated substantially --- 264; Witchcraft and sorcery --- 264; Between 1200 and 1500 A.D. papacy became increasingly embroiled in European royal politics --- 264; High Middle Ages decline in the fervor/religious orders --- 265; Reforming councils --- 265; Radical spiritual movements --- 266; John Hus --- 266; John Wycliffe --- 266; Martin Luther early 16th century --- 266; Summary --- 266; Thinking it over --- 267

Chapter 5. REFORMATION --- 268
Learning objectives --- 268; Martin Luther --- 269; Rid the Church of everything but preaching --- 270; Faith alone justified --- 270; Sola Scriptura --- 270; The real presence in the Eucharist --- 271; The Lutheran reformation --- 271; His reform swept Germany --- 271; Anabaptists -- infant Baptism was invalid --- 271; John Calvin and the evangelical movement --- 272; Original sin so profound that we were incapable of doing any good --- 272; Our reason was deeply perverted --- 272; God predestined some to salvation, some to damnation --- 273; The English reformation -- very different character --- 273; Henry VIII anxious to have a male heir --- 274; Pope remained sovereign in spiritual matters while king remained sovereign in worldly affairs --- 274; Edward VI (1537-1553) --- 274; Queen Mary Tudor (1516-1558) forced from the throne --- 274/275; Queen Elizabeth ruled nearly 40 years --- 275; The Catholic counter-reformation --- 275; 1543 the Council of Trent -- three sessions, fifteen year period --- 275; Jesuits --- 275; Validity of the seven sacraments --- 275; Power of grace to destroy sin --- 275; Spanish armada --- 276; The Thirty Years War --- 276; In 1645 Peace of Augsburg --- 276; Summary --- 276; Thinking it over --- 277

Learning objectives --- 278; The Church of the counter-reformation --- 278; Church expanded at a remarkable rate --- 278; Hierarchy improved --- 278; Catholic missions exceptionally successful 1550 and 1650 --- 279; North America - Protestant groups first to land east coast --- 279; English regarded the Indians as less than human --- 279; Jansenism --- 280; All of our actions were tinged with selfishness and egotism --- 280; Grace and freedom --- 280; Dominicans -- freedom is limited; Jesuits -- freedom almost unlimited --- 281; The suppression of the Jesuits --- 281; Were suppressed in various countries between 1730 and 1780 --- 281; Way was paved to overthrow the monarchy --- 281; The Church and Islam --- 282; The life of the Church --- 282; Great Catholic saints: Robert Bellarmine, Theresa of Avila, John of the Cross --- 282; Little theological development --- 282; St. John Baptist de la Salle --- 282; Alphonsus Ligouri --- 283; Oliver Cromwell imposed a harsh Presbyterianism on Irish Catholics --- 283; American colonies, Catholics were generally not allowed practice their faith --- 283; Summary --- 283; Thinking it over --- 284

Learning objectives --- 285; Rationalism and Catholicism --- 285; Denied truly mysterious aspects to human life --- 285; Almost turned the Godhead into a machine --- 285; Critical of Roman Catholicism -- thought it was filled with superstition, sentimentality, irrationality --- 285; Romanticism --- 286; The highest human experiences were those of feeling, emotion, sentiment --- 286; Emergence of religious liberty --- 286; The age of revolution --- 287; Emphasis on human free-dom and liberty --- 287; Political, social, economic and religious freedom --- 287; Democracy rather than monarchy seen as best form government --- 287; Happiness was found in freedom, not of virtue --- 288; Abolition of the ruling classes --- 288; Robbespierre -- executing aristocrats, supporters, those in the Church --- 288; French revolutionaries succeeded in dividing the clergy --- 288; Napoleon defeated in 1814 --- 288/289; Sought abolition of Catholicism, persecuted the Church violently --- 289; Entire Church suffered under Napoleon --- 289/290; Summary --- 290; Thinking it over --- 290

Chapter 8. THE MODERN CHURCH --- 291
Learning objectives --- 291; A time of rebuilding --- 291; Henri Lacordaire --- 291; Outburst of missionary, spiritual and theological growth --- 291; The Catholic Church and the industrial revolution --- 292; Massive changes in the way we live and work --- 292; Exploitation and oppression of workers --- 292; Church critical of communism and capitalism --- 293; Modern biblical studies --- 293; The Church in the world in the nineteenth century --- 293; Major change in Anglican Church --- 293; John Henry Newman --- 293; 1n America reawakening of Protestantism --- 294; Church critical of prevailing thought --- 294; The first Vatican council 1870 --- 295; Church without error or fault --- 295; The new Catholic missions --- 295; Explosive growth --- 295; Millions migrating to America --- 296; Summary --- 296; Thinking it over --- 296

Learning objectives --- 297; Modernism --- 297; The Church in America --- 297; The Fascists and Nazis --- 298; Spirit of nationalism --- 298; Spirit of revenge --- 298; Adolph Hitler --- 298; Hierarchy strongly denounced, racism and genocidal policies --- 299; Eastern Europe in 1944 and 1945 -- Catholics suffered --- 299; War in Pacific destructive to Catholicism --- 299; After Second World War, Catholic Church and papacy level of prestige and honor --- 300; Vatican II -- to make Church more effective ministry modern world --- 300; Renewal of training clergy and religious --- 301; More active role to laity --- 301; Revisions of liturgy --- 301; Condemned inhumanity --- 301; Consequences of Vatican II a mixed blessing --- 302; Humanae Vitae --- 302; Effects of permissive abortion laws --- 303; Involvement of non-Catholic scholars --- 303; Growth of secularism --- 304; Roe vs. Wade mobilized strong Catholic opposition --- 304; Pope John Paul II sought to restore more traditional practices and discipline --- 305; Growth of Church --- 305; Summary --- 305; Thinking it over --- 306; Conclusion --- 307