In Spiritual Theology Father Jordan Aumann dispels the common misconception that ascetical and mystical theology is for the select few. He reminds us that "the real purpose of the study of the spiritual life is not to produce scholars but to form holy Christians." Basing much of his work on St. Thomas Aquinas, St. John of the Cross, and St. Teresa, Father Aumann proves that Christian perfection consists especially in charity, a charity richly rewarded in spiritual graces.
He presents the most complete and systematic treatment of spiritual theology since Vatican II. Comprehensive in scope, it meets the needs of seminarians, professors of spiritual theology, spiritual directors, and retreat masters. This classic will also appeal to the educated reader seeking a richer and fuller spiritual life.
JORDAN AUMANN, O.P. is a native of the United States and Director of the Institute of Spirituality at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. He is also a Consultor for the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy and Catechetics and likewise a Consultor for the Sacred Congregation for Evangelization. Since 1977 he has been giving special courses in spirituality at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Santo Tomas, Manila, where he is an honorary professor. He has likewise travelled extensively throughout the Philippines to give retreats to the clergy, and retreats and special series of lectures to religious and seminarians. Father Aumann has also written the book History of Spirituality published in the Philippines by St. Paul Publications.
- Preface
- 1.Nature and Scope of Spiritual Theology
- Terminology
- Spirituality and Theology
- Definition of Spiritual Theology
- Theological Method
- Sources of Spiritual Theology
- Schools of Spirituality
- 2.The Goal of Our Striving
- The Glory of God
- Salvation - The Life of Glory
- Sanctification
- 3. Our Life in Christ and Mary
- Scriptural Testimony
- Christ the Way
- Christ the Truth
- Christ the Life
- Through Him, With Him, In Him
- Mary - Mother and Mediatrix
- 4. The Supernatural Organism
- Sanctifying Grace
- Effects of Grace
- Indwelling of the Trinity
- Actual Grace
- The Infused Virtues
- The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Fruits of the Spirit and Beatitudes
- 5. Perfection of the Christian Life
- The Nature of Christian Perfection
- Special Questions
- 6. Christian Perfection and Mystical Experience
- Mystical Experience
- The Mystical State and Christian Perfection
- 7. Conversion From Sin
- The Psychosomatic Structure
- The Struggle Against Sin
- Temptations
- 8. Progressive Purgation
- Purification of the External Senses
- Purification of the Internal Senses
- Purification of the Passions
- Purification of the Intellect
- Purification of the Will
- Passive Purgations
- 9. Means of Spiritual Growth
- The Sacraments
- Meritorious Good Works
- Prayer of Petition
- 10. The Theological Virtues
- Faith
- The Gift of Understanding
- The Gift of Knowledge
- Hope
- The Gift of Fear
- Charity
- The Gift of Wisdom
- 11. The Moral Virtues
- Prudence
- The Gift of Counsel
- Justice
- The Gift of Piety
- Temperance
- The Gift of Fear
- Fortitude
- The Gift of Fortitude
- 12. Grades of Prayer
- Vocal Prayer
- Meditation
- Affective Prayer
- Prayer of Simplicity
- Contemplative Prayer
- Prayer of Quiet
- Prayer of Union
- Prayer of Conforming Union
- Prayer of Transforming Union
- 13. Aids to Spiritual Growth
- The Presence of God
- Examination of Conscience
- The Desire for Perfection
- Conformity to God's Will
- Fidelity to Grace
- Plan of Life
- Spiritual Reading
- Holy Friendships
- Spiritual Direction
- 14. Discernment of Spirits
- Types of Spirits
- Psychosomatic Phenomena
- Extraordinary Mystical Phenomena
Published by
Manila. 1989
Nihil Obstat:
Rev. John Kuzmich
Censor Librorum
+ William E. McManus Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend
October 17, 1979
The Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur are official declarations that a book or pamphlet is free of doctrinal or moral error. No implication is contained therein that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat and the Imprimatur agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
Copyright © 1982 by University of Santo Tomas
Published by UST Faculty of Theology
Printed by UST Printing Office
ISBN: 0-87973-588-0 (OSV)
ISBN: 0-7220-8517-6 (S & W)
Library of Congress Catalog
Card Number: 79-88516
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