Psalm 24                                        Tuesday Morning 1.  Sunday Readings 4

Yahweh owns the earth and its fullness, * the world and its inhabitants.        

For he built it over underground seas, * founded it over ocean currents.

    Who may go up the mountain of Yahweh? * Who may stand in his holy place?

    The clean of hands and pure of heart, * who has not raised his mind to an idol, * nor sworn by a false god.

        He will receive blessings from Yahweh, * good things from his saving God.

        Seek the Master of Ages; * search for the Presence of Jacob.

    Up with your heads, you gates! * Up, you doors of the Eternal! * The King of Glory is coming.

    Who is the King of glory? * Yahweh strong and mighty, * Yahweh mighty in battle.

Up with your heads, you gates! * Up, you doors of the Eternal! * The King of Glory is coming.

Who is the King of glory? * Yahweh of Armies, * he is the King of Glory.



Tues Morn 1: Tob 13:1

Sun Rd 4: Psalm 66

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