Psalm 44                                                    Thursday Readings 2 & 4

                       God, with our own ears we have heard; * our fathers have told us

                       the deeds you performed in their days; * in days of old your hand worked wonders.

                       Nations you dispossessed, * but your own you planted.

                       Peoples you dispersed, * but your own you made send forth shoots.

Not by their sword did they seize the land, * nor did their arm bring them victory.

but it was your right hand and your arm, * and the light of your face, * since you loved them.

    You are my King, my God, * my Commander, the Savior of Jacob.

    Through you we butted our adversaries; * through your name we trampled our assailants.

For not in my bow did I trust, * nor did my sword bring me victory.

But you gave us victory over our adversaries, * and put to shame our enemies.


    In God we have continually boasted, * and your name, O Eternal, we will praise.

        But you rejected and disgraced us, * and no longer went forth with our armies.

        You made us retreat before our adversary, * and our enemies pillaged us.

           You made us a flock to be devoured, * and scattered us among the nations.

           You sold your people for a pittance, * and set no high price on them.

        You made us the taunt of our neighbors, * the derision and scorn of those about us.

        You made us a byword among the nations, * a laughingstock among the peoples.


           My digrace is continually in front of me, * and my shamefacedness is exposed before me,

           because of the voice of the taunter and mocker, * because of the enemy seeking revenge.


        Every indignity has come upon us, * but we have not forgotten you, * or been disloyal to your covenant.

        Our heart has not turned back, * nor our feet strayed from your path,

           though you crushed us with disease of the thighs, * and covered us with deathly darkness.

        If we had forgotten the name of our God, * or stretched out our palms to an alien god,

        would not God discover this, * since he knows the dark corners of the heart?

    Yet because of you we are slain the whole day long, * accounted as sheep for the slaughter.


Arise! Why do you sleep, Lord? * Awake! Be not angry, O Conqueror!

    Why did you turn away your face, * and forget our affliction and oppression?

    For our neck is bowed down to the dust; * our belly cleaves to the ground.

Rise up and help us! * Ransom us as befits your kindness.



End of Thur Rds 2 & 4

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