Psalm 73                                                        Monday Readings 4

Israel, how good God is * to those who are pure of heart!

    Yet my feet had almost stumbled; * my legs were nearly gone,

    when I envied the boasters, * begrudged the prosperity of the wicked.

        For them there are no struggles * their bodies are sound and sleek.

        Theirs is not the toil of mortals; * they are not overworked like others.

           And so pride serves as their necklace; * the robe of injustice covers them.

           Their eyes glisten more than milk; * the fancies of their hearts know no limits.

               They scoff and speak against the Bringer of evil; * of oppression from the Exalted they speak.

               They set their mouth against heaven; * and their tongue ranges through the underworld.

           And so they quickly gorged themselves, * and sucked up the waters of the ocean.

           They said, “How can God know? * Does the Most High know anything?”

        Such, then, are the wicked, * who, mindless of the Eternal, increased their wealth.

    Quite in vain have I kept my heart clean, * and washed my hands in innocence,

    was kicked around all day, * and punished each morning anew.


           If I had said, “I will speak this way,” * I would have betrayed the assembly of your sons.

           And when I tried to understand this, * the injustice of it was on my mind,

until I entered God's sanctuary * and perceived their final destiny.


    Surely you will transplant them to Perdition, * making them fall into Desolation.

    How quickly they will belong to Devastation, * utterly swept away by Terrors!

    Like a dream after awaking, Lord, * you will disregard them in the City of phantoms.

        But when my mind had soured, * and my feelings dried up,

           I became a fool without understanding, * a mere beast in your sight.

           But I will always be with you; * take hold of my right hand;

        into your council lead me, * and with glory take me to yourself.

    What shall I lack in heaven with you? * With you I desire nothing on earth.

    My flesh and my heart may waste away, O Mountain, * but my heart and my body, God, will be eternal,

    while those who go far from you will perish. * Destroy all who adulterously desert you!

For me, God’s nearness will be my happiness. * In the Lord Yahweh I have put my trust, * telling about all your works.



End of Mon Readings 4

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