95 Invitatory
Come, sing with joy to
Yahweh; * let us acclaim the Rock who saved us.
Let us enter his presence
with praise, * and acclaim him with hymns.
For Yahweh is the mighty El, * the Great King over all the gods.
In his hands are the holes of the underworld; * and the peaks of
the mountains are his.
His is the sea, since he made it, * and the dry land moulded by
his hands.
Come, let us bow and prostrate, * let us kneel before Yahweh,
our Maker,
for he is our God, * and we are the people of his
pasture-land, * the flock of his grazing-field.
Today hear the Awesome One proclaim: * “Harden not your hearts as
at Meribah, * as on the day at Massah in the desert,
where your forefathers tested me, * provoking me, though they had
seen my work.
For forty years I put up with that generation * until I said:
‘A people of wandering hearts
are these; * they do not know my ways.’
Then I took and oath in my
anger: * 'Never shall they enter my rest.’”
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