Psalm 101                                                       Tuesday Morning 4

Your love and justice I will sing; * to you, Yahweh, I will chant.

I will describe your complete dominion. * When will you come to me?

    I have walked with a blameless heart * within my palace.

    I have never set before my eyes * any worthless object.

    The making of images * I have so detested, it never clung to me.

        The perverse heart turned away from me; * the evil man I did not befriend.

Whoever secretly slandered his neighbor, * him I reduced to silence.

        A man of haughty looks and proud heart, * I finished off.

    My eyes were upon my faithful countrymen, * to dwell with me.

    Only the man of blameless conduct * ministered to me.

    There never dwelt within my palace an artist of deceit. * A speaker of lies never lingered before my eyes.

Like cattle I destroyed * all the wicked in the land,

cutting off from the city of Yahweh * the evildoers one and all.



To Daniel 3:26

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