Psalm 116                                                        Used in two parts

For love of me Yahweh heard * my plea for his mercy.

Yes, he turned his ear to me * even as I called.

The bands of Death surrounded me, * and emissaries of Sheol overtook me.

    By anguish and grief was I overtaken, * but I invoked the name of Yahweh:

        “I beg you, Yahweh, * deliver my soul!”

    Gracious is Yahweh and just; * our God is merciful.

    Yahweh is the defender of the simple; * I was brought low but he saved me.


        “Return, my soul, to your rest, * for Yahweh has treated you kindly,

        for you, my soul, have been rescued from Death, * you, my eye, from Tears, * you, my foot, from Banishment.

           I shall walk before Yahweh * in the Fields of Life.”

I remained faithful though I was pursued, * though I was harassed by Calamity.

        I thought in my alarm, * “Every man is false.”


    How can I return to Yahweh * all his favors to me?

    I will take the cup of salvation, * and invoke the name of Yahweh.

    I will fulfil my vows to Yahweh * before all his people.

        Yahweh views as precious * the death of his worshipers.

    Truly, Yahweh, * I am your servant,

    yes, I am your servant, * your faithful son; * loose my bonds!

    I will offer to you * a sacrifice of thanksgiving, * and call on your name, Yahweh.

I will fulfil my vows to Yahweh * in front of all his people,

in the courts of Yahweh's house, * in the midst of Jerusalem.




Used in two parts

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