Psalm 122                                                      Eve before Sunday 4

I rejoiced with those who said to me, * “We will enter the house of Yahweh!”

My feet were standing * within the gates of Jerusalem,

    Jerusalem which was built as his city, * which was finished by him alone.

    There the tribes go up, * the tribes of Yah.

        It is a requirement, Israel, * to give thanks to Yahweh's name,

        because there they sat * on thrones of judgment, * on thrones of the house of David.

    May they pray for your peace, Jerusalem; * may they prosper who love you!

    Let there be peace within your walls, * prosperity within your citadels.

For the sake of my brothers and friends * I pronounce, “Peace be within you.”

For the sake of the house of Yahweh our God * I will seek your good.



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