Psalm 142                                                      Eve before Sunday 1

I cry aloud to Yahweh; * I cry to Yahweh for help.

To him I pour my complaints; * I tell him all my troubles:

        My spirit fails me, * but you know where I go.

    In the path where I walk * they put traps for me.

        Look around and see: * no one knows me.

           I have no escape, * no one to care for me.

        I cry to you, Yahweh; * I know you are my refuge, * my share in the life to come.

    God, hear my cry! * Your Greatness, I am worn out!

        Save me from my hunters; * they are stronger than I.

    Take me from the Prison; * then I will praise your name.

Let the righteous gather round me, * for you have been generous, Most High.



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