Psalm 147a                                                     Thursday Morning 4


How good to hymn our God! * How pleasant to praise our Glorious One!

Rebuilder of Jerusalem is Yahweh; * he gathers the outcasts of Israel,

    the healer of the brokenhearted, * and binder of their wounds.

        He assigns a number to each star; * to them all gives names.

           Great is our Lord, surpassing in power; * none can describe his skill.

               Yahweh reassures the humble, * and reduces the wicked to the underworld.

           Sing to Yahweh with thanksgiving; * make music to our God with the lyre,

        who covers the heaven with clouds, * who prepares rain for the earth, * who makes the mountains sprout grass.

    who gives to the cattle their grain, * to the crows what they gather.

Not in the power of horses does he delight; * not in a man's thighs is he pleased,

but Yahweh is pleased with those who fear him, * with those who rely on his strength.



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