Psalm 149                                                       Sunday Morning 1


Sing a new song to Yahweh; * join his worshipers in song.

    Israel, rejoice in your Maker; * Zion’s children, be glad for your king.

Praise his name with dancing; * praise him with drums and harps.


    For Yahweh delights in his people, * crowning the lowly with victory.

        Worshipers, revel in the Glorious One; * rejoice when you lie down.

    God's praise be in your throats * and sharp swords in your hands,


to work vengeance on the nations, * reprisals against the peoples,

    to bind their kings with chains, * and their leaders with iron shackles,

to inflict on them the written sentence; * let that be honor for all his worshipers.




To Song of Zechariah

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