Rev 11:17:12:12 Thursday Evenings
We thank you, Lord God Almighty, * the one who is and who was,
for you claimed your great power * and have begun to rule.
The nations were filled with rage, * for it is the time for your wrath to come * and for the dead to be judged.
to reward your servants, the prophets, * and the holy ones who honor your name, * small and great alike...
Now God’s salvation has come. * Now God has shown his power as King. * Now his Messiah has shown his authority.
For the accuser of our brothers is cast out, * who accused them before our God * all day and all night.
Our brothers defeated him * by the blood of the Lamb * and by the truth which they proclaimed.
Love for life * did not deter them from death.
And so rejoice, you heavens, * and all you who live there.