Leonard Boyle, O.P.: "St. Thomas and the Third Millennium"
A legacy talk on Dominican study and preaching by the late Medievalist and retired Prefect of the Vatican Library. (April 10, 1999)
Also available in RealAudio and QuickTime sound files.

Liam G. Walsh, O.P.: "Between Pluralism and Fundamentalism:
Dominican Education for the Third Millenium "
A Symposium: St. Thomas Aquinas and the Third Millennium:
Opening Plenary Session. April 9, 1999

Saint Dominic:
St. Dominic and His Works
          by Pierre Mandonnet, O.P. and M. H. Vicaire, O.P.
Saint Dominic and the Order of Preachers
          by Very Rev. J. B. O'Connor, O.P., P.G.
Life of Saint Dominic by the Rev. Père H. D. Lacordaire, of the Order of St. Dominic, and Member of the French Academy. Translated by Mrs. Edward Hazeland. London: Burns and Oates. 1883.
St. Dominic: Biographical Documents, ed. by Francis C. Lehner, O.P.
The First Disciples of St. Dominic by V. F. O'Daniel, O.P. (1928)
The Lives of the Brethren (Vitae Fratrum) 1206-1259
A New Translation of "The Lives..." by Joseph Kenny, O.P.
Treatise on Preaching, by Humbert of Romans, O.P.
St. Dominic: WEB LINKS
"The Life of St. Dominic" by Fr. Gregory Anderson.

Dominican Order
The Dominicans by Fr. Benedict M. Ashley, O.P.
The Dominicans: A Short History by Wm. A. Hinnebusch, O.P.
"The Dominican Story" by Fr. Gregory Anderson, O.P.
"How the Dominican Order Faced Its Crises", by Wm. Hinnebusch, O.P.

Dominican Documents
Rule of St. Augustine.
O.P. Constitutions (1998 ed.)
The Fundamental Constitution.
Acts of the General Chapter (Bologna, 1998)

Dominican Spirituality
Dominican Spirituality: Principles and Practice,
      by William A. Hinnebusch, O.P.
Dictionnaire de Spiritualité:
      Translation of the article on "FRIARS PREACHERS"

Dominican Saints

Selections from the Supplement to the Liturgy of the Hours (HTML) for the Order of Preachers Draft Translation (1991). Thumbnail biographies of the Dominican Blesseds, and Second Lessons from related historical and biographical documents. (in PDF   515kb 130pp.)

Blessed Diana and Blessed Jordan: Letters by Norbert Georges, O.P.
St. Catherine of Siena by Mary Ann Sullivan
St. Catherine of Siena WWWeb links.
Letters of St. Catherine of Siena ed. Vida Dutton Scudder (1906)
St. Thomas Aquinas: Stephen Loughlin's wonderful pages.
St. Albert the Great. WWWeb links.
Promotor of Causes: Our new saints and blesseds.

Dominican Related Articles from The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913 ed.

Order of Preachers by P. Mandonnet O.P.
A documented history of the Order and its legislation as of 1913, specially formatted for Dominican Central, with outline and linked footnotes.

Adoro Te Devote.
Agnes of Montepulciano. (1268-1317)
Alemany, Joseph Sadoc. (1814-1888)
Alanus de Rupe. (1428-1475)
St. Albert the Great. (1206-1280)
Fra Angelico. (1387-1455)
St. Antoninus. (1389-1459)
Banez, Dominigo. (1528-1604)
Bartolommeo, Fra. (1475-1517)
Bernard Guidonis. (1261-1331)
Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio Gaetani. (1469-1534)
Luis Cancer de Barbastro
     More on fray Luis Cancer
Cano, Melchior. (1509-1560)
Capreolus, John. (1380-1444)
St. Catherine of Siena. (1347-1380)
St. Catherine de' Ricci. (1522-1590)
Concina, Daniello. (1687-1756)
Denifle, Heinrich Seuse. (1844-1905)
St. Dominic. (1170-1221)
Durandus of St. Pourçain. (d. 1332)
Johannes Augustanus Faber.
Filippo Anfossi
Master of the Sacred Palace
Meister Eckhart. (1260-1327)
Hugh of St-Cher. (1200-1263)
Humbert of Romans. (1194-1274)
Hyacinth. (1185-1257)
James of Voragine. ((1230-1298)
Alexander Vincent Jandel. (1810-1872)
John of Cologne and the Martyrs of Gorkum (1572)
John of Ragusa. (1380-1443)
John of St. Thomas. (1589-1644)
Lacordaire. (1802-1861)
St. Lorenzo Ruiz
St. Louis Bertrand. (1526-1581)
Louis of Granada. (1505-1568)
St. Peter of Verona (Peter Martyr)(1206-1252)
Pope St. Piux V. (Cath. Enc.)(1504-1572) also
Pope St. Piux V. (Lives of the Popes). (1504-1572)
St. Raymond of Penafort. (1175-1275)
Reginald of Piperno. (1230-1290)
Robert Kilwardby. (d. 1279)
St. Rose of Lima. (1586-1617)
Savonarola. (1452-1498)
Henry Suso. (1295-1366)
St. Thomas Aquinas. (1225-1274)
Tomás de Torquemada. (1420-1498)
Antoine Touron. (1686-1775)
Vicente Ferre. (d. 1682)
St. Vincent Ferrer. (1350-1419)
Francis Vittoria. (1480-1546)
William of Moerbeke. (1215-1286)
Tomasso Maria Ziglara. (1833-1893)
Martyrs of the Paris Commune (1871)
Other Links
Savonarola from The Cambridge Biographical Dictionary.
Georges Pire, O.P., Nobel Peace Laureate - 1958
Egnatio Danti
Bartolome de las Casas
Vincent of Beauvais O.P.
St. Peter of Verona, O.P.

Project O.P.U.S.
Project OPUS  
"The Order of Preachers in the United States, A Brief History,"
      by Sr. Mary Nona McGreal, OP, of Project OPus.