Dominican Central Archives
We present as an archive the former website domcentral.org (1996-2005) of the Province of St. Albert the Great. Over that decade many unique resources were gathered and are now again made available online.
Our newest website is online at www.opcentral.org .
You may find the sitemap pages of this archive useful.
The search tool below is also provided to help your quest.
- Books and Articles by Dominicans
- Walter Farrell's Companion to the Summa
- Seleted articles from the periodical Spirituality Today (1984-1992)
- Dominican images & clip art
- Translation "FRIARS PREACHERS" from the Dictionnaire de Spiritualité
- Books & Articles by: Athanasius Weisheipl, Benedict M. Ashley, Jordan Aumann, Joseph Kenny, Kevin O'Rourke, Donald Goergen, and Thomas O'Meara
- Albert Judy: Aquinas' Use of Avicenna's Metaphysics
- Biographies of St. Dominic & Early Dominicans
- History of the Dominican Order
- Rule & Constitutions
- Dominican Spirituality
- Pere Mandonnet on the Dominicans
- Dominican Saints
- Dominican Liturgy: Masses, Readings, Martyrology
- Liturgical Calendar
- Dominican Chant: Hymns, O Antiphons, Exultet
- Memorials of Deceased Friars
- Dominican Laity: Texts, Directory
- Dominican Priories, Parishes & Institutions
- Missions in Bolivia and Nigeria
- Sermons by Dominicans past and present
- Mark: A Rock Gospel, by Fr. Robert Beck
- Dominicans at the UN
- Links to current issues
Dominican Art & Artists
- Dominican Artists
- Downloadable images and clip art
Christmas Presents
- Dominican "O Antiphons"
- Gif Animated Christmas Cards
- The Twelve Days of Christmas