Dominican Central Sitemap This long list of links is a sitemap of the original website of the province,, which went online in January of 1996 and was built up over ten years.
A new, more interactive site,, replaced it in 2006, leaving behind much of the content of the original site. This page which can be searched using the FIND function of your browser.This Original site (1996-2005):
Current site (2020):
--The Webfriar
(a ghost from the past)
Dominican Central -- Index Page
Coat-of-Arms: Province of St. Albert the Great
Mission Statement of the Province
Dominican Central Documents
Latest Postings on Dominican Central
Technical Specifications
Dominican Central Intenet Services (2001)
Theology Library Index
Brethren in Print: March 1996
Bibliography 1985-1991
Whatever Happened to Sin?
Frank C. Quinn OP: Liturgy as Contemplation
Letters to My Brothers and Sisters
Love's Revelation: The Priory Press
Love's Revelation: Illustrations
Love's Revelation: Detailed Contents
Love's Revelation: Introductory Volume
The Mask of Lying Glory - A Poem
Marabou: A Newsletter for Hermits
Paul Johnson: No Greater Love
Frank C. Quinn OP: "Posture and Prayer" and in PDF
The Realists -- a poem by Leonard Cochran OP
O'Meara: Aquinas Bibliography
Thomas F. O'Meara OP, Theology of Ministry
Diane Bergant: "The Role of Nature in Natural Disasters"
World Communications Day
American Dominican Sisters in Europe
Abp. George on Thelogy Texts
John Gerlach's Dominic and Catherine
Frank C. Quinn OP: "The Roman Lectionary"
Bob Staes OP: Drawings
John Gerlach
John Gerlach's Dominic and Catherine
More Works of John Gerlach
Thomas McGlynn
A Thomas McGlynn Album
Listening:Journal of Religion and Culture
Diane Bergant: "The Role of Nature in Natural Disasters"
Marie J. Giblin: "Catholic Church Teaching and Domestic Violence"
John Barry Ryan: "Listening to Native Americans"
Spirituality Today
General Index
Gundolf M. Gieraths: Life in Abundance: Eckhart & the German Dominican Mystics Autumn 1986 Vol. 38 Supplement:
Sr. Mary Albert Hughes: Albert the Great Autumn 1987 Vol. 39 Supplement
Vol. 34, 1982 Download the entire volume as:
March, No. 1
Nathan Mitchell: The Spirituality of Christian Worship
Richard E. Trutter: A Paradigm for Christian Living: The Catechumenate
Frank C. Quinn: Sacraments of Initiation & Christian Life
Giles Dimock: Reconciliation: Rite & Life
Christopher Kiesling: The Liturgy of Christian Marriage: Introduction to Marital Spirituality
Mary Collins: Spirituality for a Lifetime
Donald Goergen: Current Trends: The Desert as Reality and Symbol
Summer, No. 2
John Renard: The Foundations of Islamic Religious Experience
Anthony E. Gilles: Teilhards' Gospel of Human Effort
Paul Scanlon: "The Poor Have the Gospel Preached to Them"
Benedict T. Viviano: Schillebeeckx's Jesus & Christ -- Contributions to Christian Life
Edward van Merrienboer: Christian Ministry in Light of Schillebeeckx's Theology of Grace
Donald Goergen: Current Trends: Self-Love, Self-Knowledge, and True Humility
Fall, No. 3
Susan Rakoczy: Can We Speak of a Distinctive Charismatic Spirituality
John Renard: A Contemporary Christian Response to Islam
Thomas B. Stratman: St. Francis of Assisi: Brother to All Creatures
Elizabeth McDonough: Spirituality & Law: The Coming of the New Code
Jeremy Miller & Simon Tugwell: What is the Dominican Charism? An Exchange of Views.
Donald Goergen: Current Trends: Recent Studies of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Winter, No. 4
Endel Kallas: The Sprituality of Luther: A Reappraisal of His Contribution
Joann Wolski Conn & Walter E. Conn: Conversion as Self-Transcendence Exemplified in the Life of St. Thérèse of isieux
Roger Haight: Spirituality & Social Justice: A Christological Perspective
Charles Shelton: Discernment in Everyday Life: Spiritual and Psychological Considerations
Joseph T. Culliton: Commitment through the Personalization of Time
Donald Goergen: Current Trends: The New Ecumenism
Vol. 35, 1983 Download the entire volume as:
Spring, No. 1
Pierre DuMaine: Spirituality in the Electronic World: Introduction to the Theme
Michael Dempsey: Prospects for Ecclesial Life and Mission with Electronic Media
Bert Akers: Electronic Communications, Community, Church
Richard Woods: Religious Symbol and Spirituality in an Electroinc World
Maureen Rodgers: Electronic Media and the Spritual Life
Christopher Kiesling: Liturgy via Electronic Communications: Is It Possible?
Donald Goergen: Current Trends: Preaching and the Nonordained
Summer, No. 2
Sandra M. Schnieders: The Effects of Women's Experience on Their Spirituality
Samuel Torvend: Lay Spirituality in Medieval Christianity
John Risley: Liberation Sprituality
Freda Mary Oben: Edith Stein: Holiness in the Twentieth Century
Donald Goergen: Current Trends: From Social Doctrine to Gospel Values and Signs of the Times
Fall, No. 3
Endel Kallas: Catholic Spiritual Renewal on the Eve of the Reformation
Susan Hutchens: Humility and Pride United in Love: Three Flemish Mystics
M. Basil Pennington: A Christian Way to Transformation
Michael H. Crosby: Celibacy as Fasting
Donald L. Gelpi: Two Spiritual Paths: Thematic vs. Transmuting Grace (Part I)
Donald Goergen: Current Trends: The Call to the Laity
Winter, No. 4
Frederick Parrella: Spirituality in Crisis: The Search for Transcendence in Our Therapeutic Culture
Francine Cardman: Singleness and Spirituality
Peter Drilling: Fellow Pilgrim and Pastoral Leader: Spirituality for the Secular Priest
Ross Mackenzie: Solitude, Truth, and Vision: Antony and the Desert Tradition of Prayer
Donald Gelpi: Two Spiritual Paths: Thematic vs. Transmuting Grace (Part II)
Donald Goergen: Current Trends: The Desert and the Ego
Vol. 36, 1984 Download the entire volume as:
Spring, No. 1
Francis W. Nichols: The Spiritual Journey of the Nuclear Family
Kathleen & Thomas Hart: The Call to Holiness in Christian Marriage
Lynn & Neil Parent: Parents: First Preachers of the Word
Kathleen & James McGinnis: Parenting for Peace and Justice
Monika K. Hellwig: Spirituality for the Single Parent
Joseph P. Gillespie: Handling Life's Crises in the Christian Family
Clare Wagner: Current Trends: Signs of Radical Discipleship
Summer, No. 2
Kellen Kelsey: The Gift of Loneliness
Mary Ann Fatula: The Holy Spirit Hidden in the Experience of Human Weakness
Philip St. Romain: Dreams and Christian Growth
James D. Whitehead & Evelyn Eaton Whitehead: The Evolution of Stewardship
Hermes Donald Kreilkamp: Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Prophet of Human Solidarity
Clare Wagner: Current Trends: Life to the Full
Fall, No. 3
Joseph F. Chorpenning: Reading St. Theresa of Avila's Life Today
Anne M. Minton: The Spirituality of Bérulle: A New Look
Mary Rose D'Angelo: Images of Jesus and the Christian Vocation in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew
Robert Kress: Vespering: On Bent Days in Autumn
William Reiser: Thinking about God and Believing: The Companionship of Mind and Heart on the Way to God
Clare Wagner: Current Trends: The Church Speaks in New Voices
Winter, No. 4
Richard M. Gula: Using Scripture in Prayer and Spiritual Direction
Samuel E. Torvend: The Bible and Lay Spirituality in the Middle Ages
James V. Zeitz: Stages of Faith and the Gospel of Mark
Robert Englert: Losing Control Gracefully: A Study of St. Antony's Entombment
Robert Masson: Spirituality for the Head, Heart, Hands, and Feet: Rahner's Legacy
Clare Wagner: Current Trends: Reconciliation: Can We Live without It?
Vol. 37, 1985 Download the entire volume as:
Spring, No. 1
John Sheila Galligan: The Tension between Poverty and Possessions in the Gospel of Luke
Stanley F. Parmisano: Social Justice: The Broader Perspective
James Grote: Death and the Heresy of Success
David J. Leigh: Toward a Sacrament of the World
Edward C. Sellner: Discernment of Vocation for Pastoral Ministry
Clare Wagner: Current Trends: Spirituality in a Dark Age: Some Reflections
Summer, No. 2
Richard K. Weber: Sharing Responsibility for the Church
Thomas J. Johnston: Origins of the Dominican Laity, Franciscan & Dominican Influences
Donna Marie F. Kaminsky: Secular Franciscans: Bearers of Peace, Messengers of Joy
Jude Langsam: The Discalced Carmelite Secular Order-- On Member's View
Vivian Gilbreth: Can Dominicans Really Be Lay People?
Ruth A. Lewis: Making the Dominican Family a Reality
Clare Wagner: Current Trends: Can We Be a Sacramental Church?
Autumn, No. 3
Mary Rose D'Angelo: Luke & John: Jesus & the Christian Call
Daniel A. Dombrowski: Virtue of Boldness
Max Oliva: The Call to Act Justly: Facing Our Fears
Santiago Sia: Job's Question
Richard Woods: Spirituality of the Celtic Church
Clare Wagner: Current Trends: Women in Prayer
Winter, No. 4
Endel Kallas: Alexis de Tocqueville: New World Spirituality
Carl B. Trutter: Journey of Young Adults
Rosemary Dewey: Qoheleth & Job: Divine Responses to Evil
Roger J. Vanden Busch: Quaker Spirituality: Value of Silence
Jerry Harvill: Focus on Jesus: The Letter to the Hebrews
Clare Wagner: Current Trends: New Wine, New Winesking: Gospel Life in Nicaragua
Vol. 38, 1986 Download the entire volume as:
Spring, No. 1
Michael A. King: Naaman and the Wild God of Israel
Barbara Finan: The Holy Spirit: An Issue in Theology
Anthony J. Gittins: Ecology and World Poverty: A Chrisitian Response
Thomas F. O'Meara: Modern Art and the Sacred: The Prophetic Ministy of Alain Couturier, OP
Frederick G. McLeod: Apophatic or Kataphatic Prayer?
John Sheila Galligan: The Augustinian Connection: Beatitudes and Gifts
David K. O'Rourke: Current Trends: Religion in the Land of King Comfort
Summer, No. 2
Don Murphy: Can a Christian Be a Pacifist?
Wayne Teasdale: The Meeting of East and West: Elements of a Relationship
Charles Cummings: The Best Place to Live
Daniel A. Helminiak: Modern Science on Pain and Suffering: A Christian Perspective
Mary Catherine Hilkert: The Dominican Charism: A Living Tradition of Grace
Mary Ann Fatula: Current Trends: Truth that Transforms the World
Autumn, No. 3
Elisabeth Dreyer: Spirituality for the Laity
David Roth: Charismatic Confusion
Blanche M. Gallagher: A Yoga "Advance" in a Zen Retreat
James P. Grace: Philosophy and Spirituality: Gabriel Marcel
William Reiser: Adam in Hiding
G. Walter Gumbley: On the Name Blackfriars
David K. O'Rourke: Current Trends: Remembering, Forgetting, and the Power of Symbols
Winter, No. 4
Sandra Schneiders: Evangelical Equality: Religious Consecration, Mission, and Witness (Part I)
Patrick F. O'Connell: St. Francis of Assisi: The Spirituality of Conformation
Richard Butler: George Santayana: Catholic Atheist
Michael Downey: Jean Vanier: Recovering the Heart
Michael K. Duffey: Called to Be Holy: The Reconvergence of Christian Morality and Spirituality
Mary Ann Fatula: Current Trends: On Calling God "Father"
Vol. 39, 1987 Download the entire volume as:
Spring, No. 1
Hayim G. Perelmuter: Transcendence in Context: A Contemporary Jewish View
Dana Greene: Adhering to God: The Message of Evelyn Underhill for Our Times
Sandra M. Schneiders: Evangelical Equality: Religious Consecration, Mission, and Witness (Part II)
David K. O'Rourke: Current Trends: An Order Looks to Its Future
Summer, No. 2
Joann Crowley: Spiritual Direction: Orientation, Relationship, Process
Patrick Coy: The Incarnational Spirituality of Dorothy Day
James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead: The Shape of Compassion: Reflections on Catholics and Homosexuality
James W. Heisig: East-West Dialogue: Sunyata and Kenosis
William Marceau: The Influence of Italian and Spanish Mystics on St. Francis De Sales
Mary Ann Fatula: Current Trends: Autonomy and Communion - Paying the Price
Autumn, No. 3
Elizabeth Dreyer: Tradition and Lay Spirituality: Problems and Possibilities
James Heisig: East-West Dialogue: Sunyata and Kenosis
Robert Boyd and J. Gordon Myers: Overcoming Leadership Scarcity: Discerning the Spiritual Journey
Louis Davino: Francis of Assisi: Metaphor of Franciscan Maturity
Shaun McCarty: Centering Prayer Trinitarian?
David K. O'Rourke: Current Trends: Ministers from a Different World: Barriers to a Common Ministry
Winter, No. 4
Paul Veliyathil: Thomas Merton: A Modern Arjuna
Mary Ann Rygiel: Prayer: Soul in Paraphrase
Anthony J. Gittins: Communities of Concern and Close-up Countryfolk:A Parable of Survival
Daniel A. Helminiak: Catholicism's Spiritual Limbo: A Shift in "Incamational" Spirituality
Mary Ann Fatula: Current Trends: The Power of the Human Word
Vol. 40, 1988 Download the entire volume as:
Spring, No. 1
Mary O'Driscoll: Catherine the Theologian
Michael Downey: A Balm for All Wounds:The Spiritual Legacy of Etty Hillesum
Daniel Berrigan: War in Heaven, Peace on Earth
Patience Hardebeck: Benedictine Health Care:Making the Preferential Option
David K. O'Rourke: Current Trends: "Sacro-Ethics"
Summer, No. 2
Joyce Rogers: Mysticism as a Way of Spirituality
James R. Brockman: Pastoral Teaching of Archbishop Oscar Romero
Hilda Montalvo: The Spiritual Director as Mediator of Meaning
Michael G. Lawler: Christian Marriage and Christian Ministry
A. J. V. Chandrakanthan: The Silence of Buddha and His Contemplation of the Truth
Mary Ann Fatula: Current Trends:The Ministry of Reconciliation
Autumn, No. 3
Elizabeth Bellefontaine: A Spirituality of Meaningful Experiences: Some Biblical Lessons
Anne Wilson: Holistic Spirituality
Catherina Halkes: Feminism and Spirituality
Philip Jewett: Clara Barton: Soldier's Friend
James Arraj: Jungian Spirituality:The Question of Victor White
Ray Repp: Current Trends: A Modest Proposal to Composers of Liturgical Music
Winter, No. 4
Dennis C. Smolarski: The Spirituality of Computers
Emma Shackle: Prayer Landscapes and the Nature of Illusion
Paul Harris: Silent Teaching: The Life of Dom John Main
Carolyn Osiek: Images of God: Breaking Boundaries
Mary Ann Fatula: Current Trends: The Peace of God
Vol. 40, 1988
Winter, Supplement: For the Trumpet Shall Sound..., Conference Proceedings
Theodore M. Hesburgh: Introduction
Archbishop Eugene A. Marino: Key-Note Address: Protest, Prayer, and Prophecy
Sharon Welch: The Beloved Community
Sheila Briggs: The Spiritual Body Politic
James A. Forbes, Jr.: Wake Up and Dream
Sandra Schneiders: Religious Life: The Dialectic Between Marginality and Transformation
Albert J. Raboteau: A Hidden Wholeness: Thomas Merton and Martin Luther King, Jr.
James W. Fowler: Prophetic Vocations: Parables of the Kingdom
Vol. 41, 1989 Download the entire volume
Spring, No. 1
Suzanne Noffke: Catherine of Siena and Ecclesial Obedience
Hayim Goren Perelmuter: Judaism and Transcendence:
- From Abraham to the Late Middle Ages
Charles Cummings: Exploring Eco-Spirituality
Mary Kay Kinberger: Conversion
Kathleen McDonagh: Colloquy: "Catholicism's Spiritual Limbo":
A Response to Daniel A. Helminiak
Megan McKenna: Current Trends: Whose Child is This?
Summer, No. 2
Thomas McKenna: Providence as Courage for Renewal
Scott Lewis: Balthasar Alvarez and The Prayer of Silence
Marie de Lourdes Mates: Thomas Merton: Man of Many Journeys
James Wiseman: Teaching Spiritual Theology: Methodological Considerations
Daniel Helminiak: Colloquy: A Response to Sister Kathleen McDonagh
Mary Ann Fatula: Current Trends: Feasts of Grace
Autumn, No. 3
Donald Evans: New Perspectives for a Theology of Peace
Joel C. Lewton: Reformed Spirituality:
Towards the Development of a Transcendent Community
Connie Doyle: 'Experiment in Green': Emily Dickinson's Search for Faith
Antonio Moreno: Ecumenism, Archetypes, and Symbols
Megan McKenna: Current Trends: Living Stones
Winter, No. 4
James and Evelyn Whitehead: The Gift of Prophecy
Joel Brende and Elmer McDonald: Post-Traumatic Spiritual Alienation
and Recovery in Vietnam Combat Veterans
Robert Stoudt: How Does Your Garden Grow? A Spiritual Exercise
Mary Ann Fatula: Current Trends: Good News to the Poor
Vol. 42, 1990 Download the entire volume as:
Spring, No. 1
Clifford Williams: Moral Beauty
Sheila Gallagan: Sheltered by the Mercy: St. Catherine's Gentle Way
Doris Boyko: Profiles in Spirituality: Angel of the Prisons
Jerry Flora: Searching for an Adequate Life: The Devotional Theology of Thomas R. Kelly
Megan McKenna: Poetry: Visitation II
Leonard Doohan: Current Trends: Scripture and Contemporary Spirituality
Summer, No. 2
John T. Noonan, Jr.: Stars of the Order: Brilliance, Diversity, Reflecting and Reflected Light
Vilma Seelaus: Teresa, Feminism, and The Humanity of Christ
Jon Alexander: Job Considered as a Conversion Account
Thomas Morris: Gifted for the Journey: The Art of Spiritual Direction
Mary Ann Fatula: Current Trends: Living a Trinitarian Faith
Fall, No. 3
Anthony J. Gittins: Grains of Wheat: Culture,Agriculture, and Spirituality
Nathan R. Kollar: Toward a Spirituality of Pain
Jim Grote: Prestige: Simone Weil's Theory of Social Force
Patrick J. Burke: The Spirituality of Taize
Megan McKenna: Current Trends: Desert Passion
Winter, No. 4
Suzanne Mayer: The Poverty of Waiting and Its Riches
James R. Brockman: The Spiritual Journey of Oscar Romero
Thomas P. Rausch: What Is Dominican Priesthood?
Grace Adolphsen Brame: Evelyn Underhill and the Mastery of Time
Mary Ann Fatula: Current Trends: And All Shall Be Well
Vol. 43, 1991 Download the entire volume as:
Spring, No. 1
William G. Thompson, S.J.: Witnessing the Risen Lord: El Salvador and the United States
Mary Ann Fatula: Contemplata Aliis Tradere: Spirituality and Thomas Aquinas, The Preacher
Marygrace Peters OP: The Beguines: Feminine Piety Derailed
Mary Anne McPherson Oliver: Conjugal Spirituality (or Radical Proximity): A New Form of Con-templ-ation
Megan McKenna: Current Trends: 1492 A.D. Remembering Five-hundred Years
Summmer, No. 2
John Farrelly: Notes on Mysticism in Today's World
Wayne Teasdale: Interreligious Dialogue Since Vatican II The Monastic Contemplative Dimension
Mitzi Minor: The Women of the Gospel of Mark and Contemporary Women's Spirituality
John Sullivan: Edith Stein's Humor and Compassion
Belden C. Lane: Current Trends: Encounter at Ghost Ranch: Reflections on Desert Spirituality
Fall, No. 3
Nadine Foley: Catherine of Siena's Wisdom and Spirituality
Mary Catherine Hilkert: "Grace-Optimism": The Spirituality at the Heart of Schillebeeckx's Theology
Edward C. Sellner: Like a Kindling Fire: Meanings of Friendship in the Life and Writings of Augustine
Antonio Moreno OP: Demons According to St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross
Michael Downey: Current Trends Understanding Christian Spirituality: Dress Rehearsal for a Method
Winter, No. 4
Mary Lou Kownacki: Giving Birth to the God of Peace in an Age of Unrest
Kathleen McGuire: A Religious Community in Discernment: Renewing the Face of the Earth
James Cormack: Reflections on Service to the Poor
Edward J. van Merrienboer: The Prayer of the Just One
Mary Ann Fatula: Current Trends: Catherine of Siena and Our Call to the Work of Justice and Peace
Vol. 44, 1992 Download the entire volume as:
Spring, No. 1
Brian Pierce: Bartolomé de las Casas and Truth: Toward a Spirituality of Solidarity
Doris Donnelly: Pilgrims and Tourists
John Noffsinger: Julian of Norwich and the Enigma of Divine Revelation
Stephen Hatch: Desert Faith
Megan McKenna: "Beyond this place, there be dragons!"
Summer, No. 2
Walter Principe: Aquinas' Spirituality for Christ's Faithful Living in the World
Carla Mae Streeter: The Ecclesial Person of the Third Millennium
Mary Catherine Hilkert: Bearing Wisdom: The Vocation of the Preacher
Mary Margaret Pazdan: Streaming Waters
Belden Lane: Sacred Place as Axis Ordinarii
Study - Index
A. Judy OP: Aquinas' Use of Avicenna's Metaphysics in the SCG --PDF
Fenwick High School
J.A. Weisheipl OP: "Study in the Dominican Ideal"
J.A. Weisheipl OP: "The Revival of Thomism, An Historial Survey"
A Page of Aquinas' Links
Benedict Ashley
Benedict Ashley's Page
"Antoninus of Florence: Christian Community
St. Catherine of Siena -- Letter 272
"St. Catherine and Contemporary Spirituality"
"Dominic Cavalca and a Spirituality of the Word"
M.-D. Chenu OP: Structure of the Soul and Mystical Experience
Dominican Spirituality
Trans. of the article "THE FRIARS PREACHERS", from the Dictionnaire de Spiritualité
Dominican Spirituality: Introduction
Dominican Spirituality: Activities of the Order
Dominican Spirituality: In Italy, A
Dominican Spirituality: In Italy, B
Dominican Spirituality In France
Dominican Spirituality In Spain
Dominican Spirituality In Germany
Dominican Spirituality In The Netherlands
Dominican Spirituality In Central and Eastern Europe
Dominican Spirituality In England
Dominican Spirituality In Ireland
Dominican Spirituality In the United States
Dominican Spirituality: Conclusion.
"The Gifts of the Holy Spirit"
Mark Latkovic: "Reflections on the Life and Thought of Benedict Ashley"
"The Ministry of the Word"
"Blessed Osanna d'Andreasi & Other Renaissance Italian Dominican Women Mystics"
Girolamo Savonarola OP:"Sermon on the Our Father" --
Benedict M. Ashley OP: "Vision and Revision, Autobiographical Notes"
Ashley's The Dominicans
Dominicans: Contents & Foreword
Dominicans: 1 The Founder's Spirit
Dominicans: 2 Professors 1200s
Dominicans: 3 Mystics 1300s
Dominicans: 4 Humanists 1400s
Dominicans: 5 Reformers 1500s
Dominicans: 6 Debaters 1600s
Dominicans: 7 Survivors 1700s
Dominicans: 8 The Age of Compromise 1800s
Dominicans: 9 Ecumenists 1900s
Dominicans: 10 The Future
Dominicans: Select Bibliography
Jordan Aumann
Fr. Jordan Aumann OP
Fr. Jordan Aumann's Home Page
Aumann: Asceticism and the Christian Life
Jordan Aumann OP: Ascetical Teaching of St. John of the Cross
Aumann: St. Augustine's Theology of Ministry
Aumann: Thomistic Evaluation of Love and Charity
Aumann: The Contemplative Dimension of Dominican Spirituality
Aumann: Louis of Granada, the Layman's Theologian
Aumann: Toward a Definition of 'Laity'
Jordan Aumann OP: Spiritual Theology in the Thomistic Tradition
Jordan Aumann OP: St. Teresa on the Grades of Prayer
Aumann: The Christian Laity
Aumann's Christian Spirituality
Jordan Aumann OP: Christian Spirituality
1.Sacred Scripture and the Spiritual Life
2.Spirituality of the Early Church
3. Monasticism in the East
4. Monasticism in the Westm
5. Benedictine Spirituality
6. Spirituality of the Middle Ages
7. Dionysian Spirituality and Devotio Moderna
8. Post-Tridentine Spirituality
9. Modern Spirituality
10. The Twentieth Century
Aumann's Spiritual Theology
Jordan Aumann OP: Spiritual Theology
1.Nature and Scope of Spiritual Theology
2.The Goal of Our Striving
3.Our Life in Christ and Mary
4. The Supernatural Organism
5. Perfection of the Christian Life
6. Christian Perfection and Mystical Experience
7. Conversion From Sin
8. Progressive Purgation
9. Means of Spiritual Growth
10.The Theological Virtues
11. The Moral Virtues
12. Grades of Prayer
13. Aids to Spiritual Growth
14. Discernment of Spirits
Kevin O'Rourke
Kevin O'Rourke, OP: Home Page
Kevin O'Rourke, OP: A Conceptual Framework for Ethics
Kevin O'Rourke OP: Prolonging Life
Kevin O'Rourke - Issues: Medical Ethics: In Need of Repair?
Kevin O'Rourke Resigns
Articles on Medical Ethics: Index
Ethical Issues in Health Care
Can We Agree?
Definition of Death Legislation
On Selling Organs
Telling the Truth to Patients
Transplanting Corneal Tissue
Whose Life Is It Anyway?
Informed Consent
The Ethical Physician
Proxy Consent, Deciding for Others
Addiction or Chemical Dependency
Ethical Norms for Medicine in the U.S.
For a Sexual Future
Allowing a Person to Die
End Stage Renal Disease
The Human Factor in Medical Error
How Health Care Becomes a Business
Evaluating In Vitro Fertilization
"Don't be judgmental"
Peace On Earth, Good Will Toward Some
Suicide. A Rational Choice?
Physicians & Stress in the 21st Century
Genetic Engineering, Some Ethical Observations
Autopsy. Ethical & Religious Considerations.
The Infant Doe Case
Masking Ethical Dilemmas in Medicine
Who Shall Live?
Ethical Issues in a Pluralistic Society
Tube Feeding -- Routine Nursing Care?
Ethics Committes in Hospitals
"Only God Can Heal My Daugheter"
Counseling & Values
The Baby Doe Legacy
Economics & Health Care
Treating Hopelessly Ill Patients
Medical Ethics. Where Does It Come From?
The Baby Fae Legacy
The Claire Conroy Case, Withholding Tube Feeding
The Arizona Heart Transplants
The Values Inherent in Medical Care
Mercy Killing & Allowing to Die
Who Will Determine Medical Ethics?
Ethical Issues In Research
The AMA Statement on Tube Feeding
Various Ethical Systems
On Playing God
Physicians, Healers or Officers of the Court
King Solomon and Baby M
Anencephalic Infants, Alive or Dead?
Research With Fetal Tissue
Role of Ethics in Medical Decision Making
Euthanasia, On the Horizon?
The Critical Question
Physician Competency, Whose Responsibility?
Pain, Some Ethical Considerations
Nancy Beth Cruzan Revisited
Research on Human Embryos
Statement of the American Academy of Neurology
Professionalism, The Essence Is Empathy
Medical Ethics Requires Accurate Distinctions
AIDS Research: Innovative Methods
Treatment of Rape Victims
Conceiving One Child to Save Another
Use of Artificial Hydration & Nutrition
Living Will & Durable Power of Attorney
Informed Consent in the Neonatal Care Unit
Unfinished Business in the Cruzan Case
CPR & DNR Revisited
The Patient Self Determination Act
Enlightened Legislation, Ethical Considerations
Genetics, Religion & Ethics
The Oregon Plan: Portents for the Future
Physician Self Referral
Ethical Criteria for Removing Life Support
Is There a Human Right to Health Care?
Separating the Lakeberg Twins: Ethical Issues
Informed Consent: Therapeutic & Nontherapeutic Trial
Physician Assisted Suicide: An Ethical Analysis of Presu
Embryo Research: Ethical Issues
Genetic Testing: Ethical Issues
"No Greater Love"
Lessons in Care of the Dying
Federal Courts Approve Physician Assisted Suicide
Religious Beliefs & Life Saving Therapy
Treating Symptoms or Basic Causes
Handling the 800 Pound Gorilla
Joseph Kenny
Joseph Kenny OP: Home Page
Overview of Works.
Christian-Muslim Relations Links
Islamic Studies: Programmes and literature review.
108 Short Newspaper Articles on Islam
Early Islam
1. The Middle East on the Eve of Islam
2. Muhammad's Early Life
3. Prophetic Stirring
4. Public Preaching and Opposition
5. The hijra
6. Muhammad's Power Base in Medina and Opposition
7. The War Begins
8. Further Successes
9. Reverses
10. The Turn of the Tide
11. Muslim Ascendancy Assured
12. The Occupation of Mecca
13. Mastery of Arabia
14. Departure
15. The Golden Age of Islam
16. Medieval and Modern Times
Le clé du dialogue avec nos freres musulmans: 45 Chapters
The Spread of Islam Through North to West Africa: 15 Chapters
The economic dimension of West African Islamic history
Adaptation for Christian Marriage among the Maguzawa
Christians and Muslims in Nigeria: A Case of Competitive Sharing
Religious Movements in Nigeria: Divisive or Cohesive: Some Interpretative Models
Arab Aid and Influence in Tropical Africa
Sharî`a and Islamic Revival in Nigeria
Islamic Revival in Confrontation with Christians
Nigeria Chronicle: 16 Articles 1996-2002
Islamic Ethics: What the Qur'an Says
The Ethics of War and Peace Emerging from the the Sîra of Ibn-Ishâq
Paul's Ethics
The Risâla: A Manual of Islamic Sharî`a Law
Basic Practices of Islam and Christianity: Belief, Prayer, Fasting, Contributing, Pilgrimage, Marriage
Islamic Sufism: Experience and Organization
Pornography: Islamic and Christian Perspectives
Cults and Occultism
Power in Islam
Views on Christian-Muslim Relations: Contents & Introduction
Chapter 1. Religious freedom in Christian thought
Doc. 1 The status of unbelief, Thomas Aquinas
Doc. 2 Socio-ethical principles, Jan H. Walgrave
Doc. 3 Declaration on Religious Liberty, Vatican II
Chapter 2. Religious freedom in Islamic thought
Doc. 4 The treatment of ahl adh-dhimma, At-Tur&ucir;sh&icir;
Doc. 5 Treatment of unbelievers, Al-Qayraw&acir;n&icir
Doc. 6 Religious liberty: a Muslim perspective, Muhammad Talbi
Chapter 3. Dialogue with Muslims
Doc. 7 The salvation of non-Christians, Thomas Aquinas
Doc. 8 The salvation of non-Muslims, Al-Ghaz&acir;l&icir;
Doc. 9 Guidelines on dialogue, World Council of Churches
Doc. 10 Islam and dialogue
Le récherche de Dieu parmi les Musulmans
Christianity, Islam and the Social Order
The Push for Sharî`a
Islam: "Authentic" or "Fanatical"
Download special text fonts by clicking the following link: Then extract and install each.
Philosophy of the Muslim World
Phlosophy of the Muslim World: Authors & Principal Themes
1. Historical survey
2. God and the World
3. Secondary causality or determinism
4. The Human Soul
5. The Way to Happiness
6. Faith and Reason
Bibliography of Works Quoted
Bibliography of the works of the philosophers of the Muslim world
La philosophie du monde musulmane French version of above.
The Chronology of the Works of Ibn-Rushd
The Human Intellect: The Journey of an Idea from Aristotle to Ibn-Rushd
Muslim Theology as Presented by Muhammad ibn-Yusuf as-Sanusi
Islamic Monotheism: Principles and Consequences
Common Themes of Islamic and Christian Theology
Jesus and Mary in Islam: A Christian Look
Sacrifice: Philosophical, Theological and Comparative Probes
The Relevance of Theology to the Ordinary Life of Nigerians in Nigeria
The Sources of Radical Movements in Islam
Aux sources des mouvements radicaux dans l'Islam
Medicine in Islam
Rhetorical Structure in the Qur'an
Al-Fârâbî and the Contingency Argument for God's Existence
Ibn-Sînâ on the Human Soul, in Notes... on Natural Science, Book II, Section 5
Ibn-Masarra: His Risâla al-i`tibâr
كتابأصول الدين
Translation of Usman dan Fodio's Elements Of Religion (Usul Ad-Din)
Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Al-Senussi: The Muqaddimah: متنالمقدمة ,translation
The Small Catechism: متنالعقيدة الصغرى, translation
The Psalms
Daily Psalms and Canticles in Their Original Languages
The Psalms in Hausa
St. Albert the Great's Commentary on the Psalms
Powerful Titles of Jesus in the Bible
Stations of the Passion and Resurrection
Various Hymns
A Seventeenth Century Belgian Visitor to Agadez and the North of Nigeria: Pieter Fardé
Church Contextualization in Nigeria, 1970-1990
The spiritualist heresy
Prophets who attack the Catholic Church
Donald Goergen
Fr. Donald Goergen's Home Page
The Passion for God in the Early Dominicans--In PDF
Globalization of Hope
"Dialogue and Truth" -- in PDF
"Spirituality: The Challenges for a New Millennium" -- HTML -- View as PDF
"The Quest for the Christ of Africa" - HTML -- PDF
Letters to My Brothers and Sisters (complete, online)
Theology of Jesus: Volume 1, The Mission and Ministry of Jesus
Theology of Jesus: Volume 2, The Death and Resurrection of Jesus
Dominicans with the Dali Lama A visit by Fr. Goergen to the Dali Lama.
Selected Articles: "Current Trends" from Spirituality Today (1982-1983)
Donald Goergen: Publications to 2000
Tradition - Index
Feast of St. Albert - Second Lessons
St. Albert the Great - Links
Leonard Boyle OP: St. Thomas Aquinas and the Third Millennium
Fray Luis de Cancer OP
St. Catherine of Siena -- Links
Wm. Hinnebusch OP: "How the Dominican Order Faced Its Crises"
Pierre Mandonnet, O.P.: Order of Preachers, Part 1
Order of Preachers, Part 2
Order of Preachers, Notes
Gregory Anderson, OP: The Life of St. Dominic
The Life of St. Dominic - I. The Formative Years
The Life of St. Dominic - II. Laying the Foundations
The Life of St. Dominic - III. The Building of the Edifice
St. Dominic -- Web Links
Gregory Anderson, OP: The Dominican Story
The Dominican Story - I. The Golden Years
The Dominican Story - II. Dominican Contributions to the Intellectual Life
The Dominican Story - III. Dominican Contributions to the Spiritual Life of
The Dominican Story - IV. Dominican Contributions to Scripture Studies, Can
The Dominican Story - V. The Order of Preachers
Liam Walsh OP: Between Pluralism and Fundamentalism
Promotor of Causes
The Rule of St. Augustine
Mary Ann Sullivan: St. Catherine of Siena
St. Dominic:His Life, His Dream, His Spirit
The Lives of the Brethren, trans. by Placid Conway OP
Lives of the Bretheren - Index
Lives of the Brethren: Prologue
Part II: The Legend of St. Dominic
Part III: The Legend of St. Domiic by Blessed Cecilia
Part IV: The Legend of Bl. Jordan of Saxony
Part V: Progress of the Order
Part VI: Departure of the Brethren
See also: Part VI: Departure of the Brethren
See also: The Lives of the Brethren (Joseph Kenny translation)
Biographies from the Catholic Encyclopedia
Dominicans in the Catholic Encyclopedia
Joseph Sadoc Alemany
Domingo Bañez
Fra Bartolommeo
Bernard Guidonis
Melchior Cano
Catherine of Siena: "Drawn by Love" a superb page of links.
Daniello Concina
Heinrich Seuse Denifle
Durandus of Saint-Pourçain
Vicente Ferre
Francis of Vittoria
Hugh of St-Cher
Humbert of Romans
John of Ragusa
Robert Kilwardby
St. Louis Bertrand
Pope St. Pius V
Reginald of Piperno
A. Touron & V. O'Daniel: The First Disciples of St. Dominic
Table of Contents
First Disciples: Foreword
Saint Peter Martyr of Verona
Blessed Bartholomew Di Braganza, Bishop
Blessed John Di Scledo of Vicenza
Blessed Guala of Bergamo, Bishop
Elias Roberto, Patriarch
Albert Boschetti, Bishop
Peter Scaligeri, or Della Scala, Bishop
Reginald of Bologna, Primate of Ireland
William Di Monferrato
James Xurone of Milan
Blessed Nicholas Puglia of Giovenazzo
Tancred Tancredi
Tancred of Germany
Rudolph of Faenza
Chiaro, A Noted Doctor of Bologna
Roland of Cremona
Moneta of Cremona
Amizo Di Solar
Buonviso of Piacenza
Bonaventure of Verona
Conrad of Germany
Stephen of Spain, Archbishop
Saint Hyacinth Odrowaz
Blessed Ceslas Odrowaz
Herman of Germany
Henry of Moravia
Paul of Hungary, Martyr
Blessed Sadoc, Martyr
Blessed Mannes Guzman
Matthew of France, Dominican Abbot
Blessed Bertrand of Garrigue
John of Navarre
Lawrence of England
Michael De Fabra
Sueiro Gomes
Peter Seila
William Claret
Dominic of Segovia, or "The Little"
Peter of Madrid
Stephen of Metz
Natalis (or Noel) of Prouille
Thomas of Toulouse
Michael De Uzero
Oderic of Normandy
Some Other Original Disciples
Raymond De Felgar, Bishop
Blessed Reginald of Orleans
Blessed Jordan of Saxony
Henry of Utrecht (or of Cologne)
Henry of Marsberg (or of Germany)
Peter of Reims, Bishop
Clement of Scotland, Bishop
Philip, Missionary Apostolic
John of Wildeshausen Bishop & Master General
Blessed John of Salerno
Blessed Isnard of Chiampo
Dominic's Disciples: Bibliography
St. Dominic Biographical Documents ed. C. Lehner OP
Index - Foreword - Introduction
Dominican Documents: Blessed Jordan - Libellus
Dominican Documents: Letters of St. Dominic
Dominican Documents: Bologna Canonization Process
Dominican Documents: Toulouse Canonization Process
Dominican Documents: Dominic's 9 Ways of Prayer
Dominican Documents: Miracles of St. Dominic
Dominican Documents: Bull of Canonization
Dominican Documents:Prayer to St. Dominic
Dominican Documents: Bulls of Approbation
Dominican Documents: Jordan of Saxony - Encyclical
Dominican Documents: Primitive Constitutions
Dominican Documents: Bibliography
Dominican Documents: Notes
Wm. A. Hinnebusch OP: The Dominicans, A Short History
Hinebusch: 0 Contents - Foreword
Hinnebusch: 1 The Foundation of the Order
Hinnebusch: 2 Growth 1221-1303
Hinnebusch: 3 The Missions to 1500
Hinnebusch: 4 The Fourteenth Century
Hinnebusch: 5 The Fifteenth Century
Hinnebusch: 6 Renewal & Reform in the Fifteenth Century
Hinnebusch: 7 The Sixteenth Century
Hinnebusch: 8 The Seventeenth Century
Hinnebusch: 9 The Eigheenth Century
Hinnebusch: 10 From 1789 to 1872
Hinnebusch: 11 The Last 100 Years
Hinnebusch: Epilogue
W.H.Hinnebusch OP: Dominican Spirituality
Contents - Foreword - Introduction
1. A General View of Dominican Life
2.Dominican Life Is the Image of St. Dominic
3. Dominican Life Is Contemplative
4. Dominican Life Is Apostolic
5. Dominican Life Is Liturgical
6. Dominican Life Is Doctrinal
7. Dominican Life Is Fraternal
8. Dominican Life Is Sacrificial
Sr. Mary of the Compassion: Dominic Illustrations
Pierre Mandonnet OP: St. Dominic and His Work
Contents - Foreword - Prologue
Work I: Christendom in the Early Thirteenth Century
Work 2: The Order of Preachers in Formation
Work 3: Years of Experimental Activity (1215-19)
Work 4: Constitutional Organization (1220-21)
Work 5: Character of St. Dominic
Work 6: Nature of the Order of Preachers
Work 7: Development and Activity of the Preachers
Work 8: Academic Organization
Work 9: The Doctrinal Life and the Thomistic School
Work 10: Literary Productivity
Work 11: Apostolic Work
Work 12: Influence on Ecclesiastical and Civil Society
Work I3: Christendom in the Early Thirteenth Century
Work 14: Sanctity and the Mystical Life
Work 15: Liturgy and Art
Work 16: The Plight of Preaching in the Twelfth Century by Reginald Ladner,
Work 17: Efforts of the Church to Revive Preaching
Work 18: The Ordo Praedicatorum
Work 19: The Academic Crisis at the Beginning of the Thirteenth Century. .
Work, Part II, The Rule; 20: What Is the Rule of St. Augustine?
Work 21: The Rule of St. Augustine Composed of Two Texts
Work 22: The Rule Decapitated
Work 23: The Rule of St. Augustine
Work 24: The Legislation of the Preachers
Work 25: The Project of the Rule
Appendix 1: An Embassy into the Marches by M. H. Vicaire OP
Appendix 2: The Birth of St. Mary of Prouille
Pierre Mandonnet, OP: The Sancta Praedicatio in Narbonne (1204-8)
Appendix 4: Innocent III, Diego, and Dominic in 1206
Appendix 5: St. Dominic and the Pope in 1215
Appendix 6: Domini Canes by Pierre Mandonnet OP
St. Dominic and His Work: Bibliography
Project OPUS
Dominicans in the United States - Outline History
In Our Keeping - VI
Project OPUS: Plan for Publication
OPUS Staff & Research Associates
Life - Index
Dominican Liturgical Calendar - 2020 from New Priory Press.
The WHITE Book. PDF. Dominican Prayer Volume I: Ordinary Time, New Priory Press, 2013. 364 pp 1.5MB
The RED Book. PDF. Dominican Prayer Volume II: Seasons, New Priory Press, 2013. 377 pp 6.2MB
The PURPLE Book. PDF. Dominican Prayer Volume III: Supplement for Feasts, New Priory Press, 2013. 153 pp 3.2MB
Festive Psalms for Morning Prayer.. Single sheet, 4-page format. Also PDF.
Gospel Canticle Cards. Magnificat and Benedictus. In PDF.
Office Prayers: O Sacred Banquet, De Profundis, and the Vocation Prayer. In PDF.
Dominican Martyrology: Introduction
Dominican Martyrology: January
Dominican Martyrology: February
Dominican Martyrology: March
Dominican Martyrology: April
Dominican Martyrology: May
Dominican Martyrology: June
Dominican Martyrology: July
Dominican Martyrology:August
Dominican Martyrology: September
Dominican Martyrology: October
Dominican Martyrology: November
Dominican Martyrology: December
Dominican Lectionary -- Proper Readings
Dominican Lectionary -- Proper Readings: Part 2
Stations of the Cross by Albert Judy OP
Beyond the Rainbow
Calendar of the Order of Preachers
O Sapientiae -- Dec. 17
O Adonai -- Dec. 18
O Radix -- Dec. 19
O Clavis -- Dec. 20
O Oriens -- Dec. 21
O Rex -- Dec. 22
O Emmanuel -- Dec. 23
O Lumen -- Gregorian Chant
Austeritate vitae -- Gregorian Chant
Ave Regina Caelorum -- Gregorian Chant
Salve Regina -- Gregorian Chant
Recordare...Gregorian Chant
Exsultet - The Easter Proclamation
Christmas Proclamation
Funeral Readings
Funeral Scripture Texts
People - Index
Province Obituaries 1941-2020 in PDF
Necrology of the U.S. Provinces and Nigeria --1999
Necrology of the U.S. Provinces --1995
Necrology of the U.S. Provinces --1997
Necrology of the U.S. Provinces --1999
Lives of the Brethren -- Deceased Friars 1941 - 1999
Biographies of Deceased Members 1994-1999
Lives of the Brethren 1964-1969
Lives of the Brethren 1969-1973
Lives of the Brethren 1973-1977
Lives of the Brethren 1977-1981
Lives of the Brethren 1981-1985
Lives of the Brethren 1985-1990
Lives of the Brethren 1990-1994
Lives of the Brethren 1994-1999
Lives of the Brethren 1999 -
Lives of the Brethren 1941-1960
St. Martin de Porres Province: Deceased Friars 1980 - 1999
St. Martin Province, Lives 2000 -
St. Martin Province, Lives 1979 - 1984
St. Martin Province, Lives 1985 - 1988
St. Martin Province, Lives 1988 - 1993
St. Martin Province, Lives 1993 - 1997
St. Martin Province, Lives 1997 - 1999
Monastery of the Infant Jesus, Lufkin Tx
Priests' Fraternities
Dominican Sisters & Nuns
Brendan Curran OP: Apostolic Voluneers
Dominican Volunteers: Vision
Dominican Volunteers: Heartland
In Memoriam
Necrology of the U.S. Provinces and Nigeria
Lives of the Brethren 1999 -
Lives of the Bretheren -- Deceased Friars 1941 - 1999
In Memoriam - Index
Lives of the Brethren 1964-1969
Lives of the Brethren 1969-1973
Lives of the Brethren 1973-1977
Lives of the Brethren 1977-1981
Lives of the Brethren 1981-1985
Lives of the Brethren 1985-1990
Lives of the Brethren 1990-1994
Lives of the Brethren 1994-1999
Lives of the Brethren 1999 -
Lives of the Brethren 1941-1960
Patrick Michael James Clancy
Readings at the Funeral of Patrick Clancy OP
St. Martin de Porres Province: Deceased Friars 1980 - 1999
St. Martin Province, Lives 2000 -
St. Martin Province, Lives 1979 - 1984
St. Martin Province, Lives 1985 - 1988
St. Martin Province, Lives 1988 - 1993
St. Martin Province, Lives 1993 - 1997
St. Martin Province, Lives 1997 - 1999
Fr. Ambrose Windbacher Returns to Yaba
Ambrose Windbacher OP: 1914 - 2001
Friends of Fr. Ambrose Windbacher Remember Him
Document Title
Fr. Matt Walsh OP on Fr. Ambrose Windbacher OP
Dominican Laity Home Page
John Burchill OP: The Gospel Life, One Family, Many Gifts
Liam Walsh OP: Dominican Family, Call & Response
Dominican Laity: History by Richard Weber OP
Ellen O'Shaughnessy OP: The Prophet...
Dominican Laity: Purpose by Charles Malatesta OP
Dominican Laity: Spirituality, by Christopher Kiesling OP
E. Schillebeeckx OP: The "Counter-Thread"
E. Schillebeeckx OP: "Old and New Style"
OP Saints - Index
Thomas Aquinas
De las Casas
Juan Macias
Martin de Porres
Theresa Chikaba
Nature and Purpose
Dominican Vocations Page
Dominican Life -- Oct. 1998
OPtions October 1996
Vocation News: Jan. 98
Espanol 98
St. Dominic's Sons - Dominican Vocation Brochure 1954
Priories and Places Index
First Impressions of Bolivia
Dominicans in Bolivia
Dominican Conference Center
Center Map & Directions
Province Houses
Ibadan Photos
La Predication
St. Dominic Mission Society
Paul Murray, OP, poet
Tom McDermott's Christmas Letter 1998
Pat Rearden's Letter
Thomas Saucier OP on St. Thomas
Note from Tom McD
Viva Mi Patria Bolivia
Dedication of St. Dominic's, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria
Dominican Priory -- Yaba, Lagos (1)
Dominican Priory -- Yaba, Lagos (2)
Dominican Priory -- Yaba, Lagos (3)
Dominicans in Bolivia
Bolivian Update -- Oct. 1998
Bolivian Studium Update
New Studium Inaugurated in Bolivia
Dominicans in Bolivia
La Mansion
St. Jude Shrine
Dominican Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus
St. Jude Chronicle -- May 2000
St. Jude Chronicle -- January 2001
St. Jude Chronicle -- March 2001
St. Jude Chronicle - May 1997
St. Jude Chronicle - January 1998
St. Jude Chronicle -- March 1998
St. Jude Chronicle -- May 1998
St. Jude Chronicle -- July 1998
St. Jude Chronicle -- October 1998
St. Jude Chronicle -- October 1998
St. Jude Chronicle -- March 1999
St. Jude Chronicle -- May 1999
MAY novena
St.Jude Novena Dates
Dominican Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus
St. Jude Prayer Book - En Espa�ol
St. Jude Prayer Book
St. Jude Prayer - TEXT
St. Jude Chronicle -- May 1998
Fr. Matt's Letter
St. Dominic's Nine Ways of Prayer
Downloading Apple's QuickTime software
Real Audio Help Page
Sign the Shrine of St. Jude Guest Book
Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus
Preaching - Index
Mendicant Preaching Team
The Black Dominican Preaching Team
Catholic Preaching Resources
Denver Preachers
The Apostolic Life -- Prologue
More Homiletics Links
Just Living Preaching Workshop
Barbara Reid OP: A Look at Luke 7:36-50
Thomas More Center
Preaching - Index
Jim Barnett OP:"Accompaniment - From El Salvador on..."
The Aramaic Jesus
Gospel Exegesis
Male Spirit
Four Sermons on St. Thomas Aquinas collected by Thomas O'Meara
Preaching Resources #2
Dominicans At Preaching Conference
Do you see this woman? (Luke 7:44)
SHEM Center
Damian Fandal
Fr. Damian Fandal OP: Sermons
Fandal Index
Advent Sermon
The Church of Always
A Confessor to Confessors
The Necessity of Creativity
Damian Fandal
To the Provincial Forum -- 1979
Good Friday Sermon
Fandal Index
To the Jubilarians -- 1981
The Necessity of Creativity
To the Dominican Laity -- 1979
To Senior Citizens -- Dallas
To the Dominican Laity -- 1979
To the Dominican Laity -- 1979
Opening Mass - University of Dallas
To the Dominican Laity -- 1979
Miscellaneous Retreat Notes
Notes on Affirmation and Providence
Notes on Dominican Prayer
Fandal Retreat 1: Semper Reformanda
Fandal Retreat 2: The Spirit of Obedience
Fandal Retreat 3: The Spirit of Chastity
Fandal Retreat 4: The Spirit of Poverty
Fandal Retreat 5: Priestly Consecration
Fandal Retreat 6: The Choral Office
Fandal Retreat 7: Dominican Brotherhood
O Sacred Banquet
Marian Devotion
Justice - Index
Las Casas
Chiapas 1997
Chiapas Links & Readings
Chiapas - Feb. 97
A Millionaire Visits Chiapas
Chiapas -- Feb. 25, 1997
Chiapas -- March 11, 1997
Chiapas News - March 13, 1997
Greg Heille in Chiapas
Two Chiapas' Interviews.
Black Churches Burning
Dominicans with the Dali Lama
Coffey on Staszak
Assasination in Guatemala
Guidelines for the Social Action Fund
Honduras Update 11/4/98
Timothy Radcliffe: Letter from Iraq
Timothy Radcliffe OP: On Iraq (2)
Aquinas Newman Center Petition
Just Act
Las Casas News
Las Casas News - Feb 97
Las Casas News - July 97
Las Casas Newsletter
Las Casas News Index
San Jose Obrero Mission
Crisis in Para�ba (Brasil)
My Dinner with Bishop Ruiz by Dennis Woerter OP
Fr. Dave Staszak 1925 - 1998
Fr. Dave Staszak's Chicago Tribune Obituary
Fr. Dave Staszak OP: Wake Service
Statue of Dave Staszak
UN Report 10/23
Dominicans & Franciscians at the UN: May 1998
Dominicans & Franciscians at the UN: Sept 1998
Dominicans & Franciscians at the UN: May 1998
VietNam Intervention
Dominican Clip Art and Images
Miscellaneous Images
St. Dominic Art
Background Test: shwp01.gif
Vera Effigies
St. Dominic: Vera Effigies
Dominican Designs by Joan Smith
Dominican Designs by Sr. Joan. Smith OP
Gerhard Marcks: Albert
Gerhard Marcks: Albertus Magnus
OP gifs
Dominican Gif Clips - Home
OP Gifs - Page 1
OP Gifs - Page 2
OP Gifs - Page 3
OP Gifs - Page 4
OP Gifs - Page 5
OP Gifs - Page 6
OP Gifs - Page 7
OP Gifs - Page 8
OP Gifs - Page 9
OP Gifs - Page 10
Robert Francis Pawell -- St. Dominic Drawings
Dominican Saints
Dominican Shield Art
New Shields
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Background Test: shwp03.gif
Background Test: shwp05.gif
Background Test: shwp06.jpg
Background Test: shwp07.gif
Christmas Pages
12 Days of Christmas
Curtain Call
Advent 1 Card
Advent 2 Card
Christmas Day Card
Epiphany Card
Advent & Christmas Index page
Hanukkah Page
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