Psalm 43                                      Tuesday Morning 2 (Completes Psalm 42)

Defend me, God, * and plead my cause!

Deliver me from an ungodly nation, * from deceitful and dishonest men.

For you are my Fortress-God, * why have you rejected me?

    Why must I go in gloom * because of harassment by the Foe?

        Send your light and your truth; * yes, let them lead me.

        Let them bring me to your holy mountain * and to your dwelling.

    Let me come to the altar of God, * to El, the joy of my life.

    Let me praise you with the lyre, * O God, my God!

Why are you so sad, my soul? * Why do you sigh before me?

Wait for God, * for still I shall praise him, * my Savior, my Presence and my God.



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