Psalm 55                                        Wednesday Midday 2. Friday Readings 4

Listen, God, to my prayer, * and do not feign ignorance of my plea.

Attend to me and answer me; * descend at my complaint.

    I shudder at the voice of the enemy, * at the stare of the wicked;

    for they heap abuse upon me, * and slander me to my face.

        My heart flutters in my breast, * and Death's terrors assail me.

        Fear and terror assault me; * and shudders overcome me.

           I said, “Who will give me wings like a dove, * to fly away and be at rest?

           I would fly far away, * and settle in the wilderness.

           I would hasten to my haven * out of the sweeping wind and tempest.”

               Lord, destroy their forked tongue! * for I see violence and strife in the city

               making their rounds day and night; * on its walls are both malice and mischief!

               From its center come pernicious deeds; * from its center they never leave; * from its square spread oppression and fraud!

                   It was not an enemy * who dealt me the insults that I bear.

                   It was not my opponent who defamed me, * that I should hide myself from him.

                       But you, a man of my rank, * my companion and confidant:

                       We used to take sweet counsel together * in the house of God) * we used to mingle among the throngs.

                   May death overcome them; * may they  may they go down to Sheol alive,

                   For venemous words proceed * from their throat and breast.

               But I called to God, * and Yahweh saved me.

               Evening, morning and noon * I complained and moaned,

           and the Ransomer heard my voice, * making payment for my life.

            He drew near to me * when full many were against me.

           El heard me and answered; * the Ageless sent his reply, * because there is no variation in him.

        Yet they had no fear of God. * That man laid hands on his ally, * and violated his covenant.

        Smoother than cream was his speech, * but hostility was in his heart.

        His words were smoother than oil, * but they were sharpened swords.

    Your Provider is Yahweh the Most High, * your Benefactor who will sustain you.

    Never will he allow * the just man to stumble.

But you, God, will bring them down * to the muddy pit.

Let men of idols and fetishes * not live half their days. * But as for me, I trust in you.



End of Wed Middy 2 & Fri Readings 4

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