Psalm 62                                                      Wednesday Evening 2

The God of gods alone is my castle; * my soul, from him will my triumph come.

He alone is my mountain of triumph, * my stronghold; I will not fall into the Dragnet.

    How long will you talk nonsense, * indulge in gossip about a man?

    All of you are like a leaning wall, * a sagging fence?

They only scheme deceit; * to ruin they indulge in lies.

        With their mouth indeed they bless, * but in their heart they curse.

           God alone is my castle; * my soul, from him comes my hope.

               He alone is my mountain of triumph, * my stronghold; I will not stumble.

               The Most High God is my triumph; * my Glory is my mountain-fortress; * God himself is my refuge.

           Trust in him, the ever Strong One; * pour out your hearts before him, * for God is our refuge.

        Common people are only vapor, * while big men are a delusion.

        On scales they are lighter than leaves, * together lighter than vapor.

    Rely not on criminal extortion; * do not idolize wealth.

    When God pronounces, * pay attention!

One thing God has spoken; * only two have I heard:

“Strength belongs to God, * and to you, Lord, firmness.

For you repay * each man according to his deeds.”



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