Psalm 108                                                    Wednesday Morning 4

My heart is set, God; * I will sing and praise you.

Wake up, my heart! * Wake up, my harp and lyre! * I will wake up the Dawn!

    I will thank you among the nations, Yahweh; * I will praise you among the peoples, your Greatness!

    Above the heavens is your kindness; * and to the sky your fidelity.

        Your stature is above the heavens, God, * your glory over all the earth.

        For the deliverance of your dear ones, * with your right hand give me victory and triumph.

           God spoke from his sanctuary: * “Exultant I will divide up Shechem, * the Valley of Succoth measure off.

           Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine; * Ephraim is my helmet, * Judah my commander's staff.

           Moab is my washbasin; * upon Edom will I set my sandal; * over Philistia I will give a cry of conquest.”

        Who will bring me the Rock City? * who will offer me Edom's throne?

But you, God, will you be angry with us, * and go forth, God, no more with our armies?

Grant us liberation from the adversary, * since the aid of man is futile.

With God we will be victorious; * he himself will trample our adversaries.




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